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Best Buy Is Onboard With Reimbursing For HD

Ok, so 2 weeks ago I mentioned about how Circuit City is helping those who got shafted with an HD player. Click Here to read. But it looks like Best Buy is going to hook up the cut as well, and then some. I love to see how one company is trying to one up the other and us consumers can reap the benni from it.

So here’s the skinny. First, they are going to be sending out $50 gift cards to people who bought HD players or HD-DVD Attachments. $50 for each item that is. So this could be huge for some people who thought it was going to be the big winner. They will be going through their Reward Zone program and Online purchase database for this. “Well what if I didn’t use either of those?” My psychic powers are still working. You can call them with receipt or credit card info to prove you purchased as well. These cards will start mailing out on May 1st. Granted this is only good for purchases made before 2/23/2008. Not too long ago though.

“Now that’s good and all, but on $50 for an expensive player? How is that one upping Circuit City?” Calm down now. Starting on the 21st of March, they will be doing a similar trade in setup to make sure it’s customers are not getting the shaft. So, trade in the now obsolete HD player and goods and also get $50 Best Buy bucks for each item you got as well. Rock on. Makes me kind of wish I had gone the HD-DVD path when it all started. But I guess less of a headache for me.


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