Another ‘propaganda’ video for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus has dropped to expand the immersive world this Wolfenstein will be bringing us soon
It is time to add another bit of ‘propaganda’ out there for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus with the Blitzmensch. This would be another one of the Nazi videos and shows we will see and hear when shooting our way through Nazi-occupied America in the game. The enemy will always be trying to usurp the current people and this is one of the tactics we will see in the background to explain why it is only BJ Blazkowicz fighting the good fight here. All because Machine Games wanted to make sure we had our immersion for Wolfenstein II in the fictional way and not what is going on in the current times. Sorry about the political jab there, but I needed to get it out and help further the marketing for Bethesda on the game.
All of that aside now, the Blitzmensch (Lighting Human in English) is Wolfenstein II‘s version of Superman for the Saturday morning cartoons in the world. Something that is supposed to be visible in the background of the game to further place us in this messed up world and see how the enemy is converting your average citizen to their way of thinking. Videos like this are aimed to give you the feeling of how Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus‘ world will feel but there are supposed to be playing in full on TVs as you pass by. There is still no confirmation if it will be a full thing or just clips on a loop as this is a game and we do not expect players to sit and watch a 20-minute show in the middle of firefight.
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus — Blitzmensch
Holterdiepolter! It’s official – Blitzmensch is a blast! General Engel’s favorite TV show is getting bigger and better each year! Päng! Blitzmensch and his partner Fräulein Fox save the world from capitalism, communism, and degenerates every day in this amazing show celebrating die Überlegenheit – the superiority – of the Reich and the Aryan race. Ach, nee! Who will be this week’s baddie? The evil Money Grubber? The notorious Proletariat-Man? The vicious Mr. Yankee Monkey? Don’t miss a single episode of Blitzmensch!
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is still slated to release on October 27th for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. You can currently pre-order it and it looks like Bethesda is offering up a few little extras for those who do just that. If you are ready to play out the alternate history, that seems too close to the real one now, then head on out and pick up Wolfenstein II now.
How do you feel about the Blitzmensch and all the ‘propaganda’ that will be mixed into Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus? Do you think that we will even notice these as we are running and gunning through the game’s world or will they truly shine as Machine Games is hoping that they will? Is all of this hitting a little too close to home here or is it all still the alternate history of the world that the game was originally slated for? Let everyone know and use that free speech down in the comments and then keep the discussion rolling. Hopefully we will get more in way of gameplay for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus soon, and when we do we will have it up here for you. Keep checking in to make sure you see it all.