A new patch is coming for Hunt: Showdown and with it comes a lot of bug fixes as well as many new features and changes for Hunt: Showdown in general
Good news for those out there who have put Hunt: Showdown down for a bit due to some of the gameplay issues you may have had. To the few of you out there who actually do at least. Nonetheless, Crytek has listened to you and are going out of their way to fix a good portion of those issues as well as add in a few new things. This is what a good Early Access does and it looks like it is definitely making Hunt: Showdown even better. At the very least it will give many players some changes to make it easier to get into the game as well as remove out some of the issues other have been having. All great news for video games like this in general.
If you are keeping your Hunt: Showdown copy as up to date as possible, then you will have this new patch and all of the changes and features it will be bringing. Things like scopes and true sniper gameplay being one of the new features as well as fall damage in the game. There will be perks in the game to let people keep doing some of the death-defying jumps that they have done but by default you can kill yourself in this way now. That is at least if you are not being killed by the new medium guns out there and grenades that have been mixed into the game. That is among the many other changes and updates coming to Hunt: Showdown that the developer can tell you about just below.
Hunt: Showdown — Patch 1 — Overview
We take a look at the new content of patch 1 with David West our Senior System Designer and Dennis Schwarz our Lead Designer. You’ll be able to see all the highlights of the new patch as well as the and how!
In addition to those changes, Hunt: Showdown‘s maps and building are also getting a bit of a change to help combat some of the issues that were in the game. There are a lot of them so if you want to know all of the specifics, just watch the following video. More or less, it all comes back to making the game a bit more balanced and make it a little easier to survive locations that are perfect for “camping.” Given that camping is a part of Hunt: Showdown in general, the options do not get rid of it completely, but it does make it a bit more balanced on both sides so it is not always the best option. You will see what I mean in the video here.
Hunt: Showdown — Level Changes
We take a look at the map changes with our Level Design Director, Chris Auty. For this patch we have changed a couple things around the map which you will get explained here!
Do all of these changes make Hunt: Showdown a better game that you will want to dive back into now or will there need to be more changes Crytek has to do to get you back? Where you hoping for true sniper gameplay to come into the game or will it be something you skip due to the need to go out and find the monsters in the world? What other changes have you been hoping for to come to the game and do you think they will actually come? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. As we get more for Hunt: Showdown, we will update you here on the site. Just be here and you will get to see it all.