It looks like the original actors will be back for Life Is Strange: Before The Storm’s Farewell bonus episode & you can see how the Life Is Strange alums recorded their lines
If you picked up the Deluxe Edition of Life Is Strange: Before The Storm then you most likely know you are getting a nice little bonus episode after the third one finally drops. Although this Farewell episode is now slated for some time in 2018 according to Deck Nine Games, so it is not something to get all hyped up for as of yet. That and seeing as we are still waiting for that third episode still, it is a little bit too soon for that as well. Well, at least if you can hold back your joy at know that your favorite voice actor from Life Is Strange is coming back to reprise the role she had. Not the biggest of surprises, but Hannah Telle is back to voice Max in this in-between-quell episode for the overall story.
It would have been odd to not get the same voice back here for Life Is Strange: Before The Storm‘s bonus episode, but I am sure that Square Enix would have forced away. They do not have to thankfully and now we can see the two back in action as we loved from before. At least when all is said and done and we can get around to getting this bonus out there. For now though, we get to see the two in a nice behind the scenes video here showing what a day in the recording room can be like. They are playing best friends doing best friend things so you can imagine that it is all laughs and smiles unless the script or scene calls for something else. Also maybe a little less on the life-threatening side of it all as well. We will see I guess.
Life Is Strange: Before The Storm — Farewell – Behind the Scenes
“The team here were thrilled to hear the news that both Hannah Telle and Ashly Burch were able to come back together again to voice Max and Chloe”, said Jeff Litchford, Vice President, Deck Nine Games. “We were really happy with Rhianna DeVrie’s performance as Chloe in Before The Storm and the fan reaction to her has been great, she’ll continue to work closely with us as part of a really close team we have created.”
As far as the third episode of Life Is Strange: Before The Storm, Hell Is Empty, we are still waiting on that episode to finally drop. If the team is following any kind of solid schedule, it could be before the end of the year or early in January of next. I am sure we will know more in the coming weeks based on all of that, but for now, we sit in limbo and enjoying the first two in the story and what that all offers us.
Did you have any doubt that we would get to have Max’s voice back in this bonus episode of Life Is Strange: Before The Storm? Do you think that they would have pushed it in a different direction had things not lined up for the voice over work? What do you think will happen in the next and bonus episodes of the game here? Let us all know down in the comments and then discuss. I hope we all get more for Life Is Strange: Before The Storm here soon and when we dig it up, we will place it on the site. Keep checking in to make sure you know it all.