LBP Where You Gunna Get It?

LittleBigPlanet Pre-Order Info

So if you haven’t heard, there are some cool little extras you get when pre-ordering LittleBigPlanet on the PS3. The original press release kind of made it seem as if you got all five of the exclusive items when you pre-ordered. At least it did to me. Well today they elaborate further on where and what you get when you pre-order. At least with two locations.

First location is No big shocker there. What do you get from them if you pre-order from them? Well Brady Games has put together a little book to go along with the game with even more information, tips, and tricks for creating levels and I believe content for the game. Not a bad little piece of swag for it.

The second, Gamestop. Another no shocker on the location. But they have my favorite of the five items if you order through them. What is that pre-tell? Downloadable content to make your sockboy look like Kratos from God of War. That’s right boys and girls, Kratos. It will come in 4 downloadable things, signature Kratos skin, goatee, Blades of Athena (on back), and Kratos garments. Bad Ass!

Still nothing on the LittleBigPouch, LittleBigStickerBook and Nariko SackGirl Skin, but those are suppose to be coming soon from their official site. I was kind of hoping to get both the Nariko and Kratos set ups, but I will most likely just do the Kratos. Been a fan of his for much longer. Unless someone wants to hook up the cut with their download key for Nariko when they pre-order.

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