A new video series for Nightmarchers has begun and it aims to show off some of the ancient gods that will be aiding us in Nightmarchers, starting with Kū
It should be well known by now, at least if you have kept an eye on Nightmarchers, that the game will not only be a fun open-world game but some of the ancient Hawaiian gods will also be out there to help us reclaim the island in the game. We have seen a glimpse and teases of it all in past videos, and now Wyrmbyte is back again with a new series of videos showing off the specific gods that will be out there in the game. That is at least if you help rebuild or secure their shrines from whatever may have caused the issue in Nightmarchers. You do not get anything for free in the real world and this is also the case in the game world. Even if you are one of the last spiritual warriors left out there trying to keep the culture and lands alive. But I digress…
All of that said, the first god we get to see here is Kū the Hawaiian god of war and sacrifice. This would be the big blue deity we have seen in past Nightmarchers trailers and now we get to see what else this god is bringing to the table. As it would seem in the video here, that answer would be a new glowing bow that we can use in the game. I am going to assume it is more than just a standard bow and grants a few other things, but those details are not fully explained in the video here. We just know that Kū is granting it here as we can see it. The description also states that there is some powerful mana handed out here as well, so I will guess that some of the powers we have already seen are built into that as well. We will have to wait and see just a bit more, I guess.
Have a look now at this new trailer for Nightmarchers and then head out and help fund the game by investing through Fig. Not only will you get to help Wyrmbyte bring the game to light, but you can also join in some of the fun if it becomes successful as well as all of the other fun bits that come along with it all. Currently, it is still running strong and you could help be the difference it needs.
Nightmarchers — Akua Video Featuring Kū
Wyrmbyte Studios delves back into ancient Hawaiian culture to bring some of the Akua to life in Nightmarchers. These ancient gods of Hawaii are steeped in lore and tradition. As the island is overrun by raiders, the gods spring forth to serve as your guides in the battle. Once Kai repairs their sacred shrines, the gods will join your quest. Our first god featured is Kū the Hawaiian god of war and sacrifice. Kū will grant you weapons of powerful mana that can be used against your foes. If you want to become a spiritual warrior then following the gods is your journey.
Kū was not only known as the god of war, this deity was a farmer and aided the people of Hawaii in a time of great famine. His sacrifice transformed into the Ulu tree to feed his people. With so much history in this tropical paradise calling upon the gods for guidance is one of the fascinating features in Nightmarchers.
Do you have any new thoughts on Nightmarchers after seeing how at least one of the Hawaiian gods will be mixed in? Do you think they will hand out more than weapons in the game or will that be the main way we gain new weapons and abilities as we progress through it all? Which other deities do you think will be added in or which would you like to see and know more about? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Nightmarchers be sure to stick around here on the site. We will keep the updates flowing out there as often as we can and you will be glad to keep up to date on all of them.