A new CG trailer for Just Cause 4 is here to show off how Just Cause 4 should feel as well as introduce the game’s soundtrack
It is crazy to think that December 4th is almost here and that we all will be able to play Just Cause 4 on our PS4, Xbox One, and/or PC. Crazy just as the game itself looks to be as Avalanche Studios has poured in a whole lot of work and effort into making another huge installment. With all of that said, it looks like it is time for Square Enix to ship off one more trailer for Just Cause 4 here and we have. Get ready for a full CG Trailer for the game. Yep, it is one of those deals that we have here. Although, it does house a little more than sizzle for the game and no gameplay.
As mentioned, this latest trailer for Just Cause 4 is a whole lot of CG and not actual gameplay. To my knowledge, none of this is actual cut scene as well. Maybe the story bits we have here will sync up somehow with the game’s story. That is something I guess. The bigger thing here has to be the sampling we have of one of the songs from Just Cause 4‘s soundtrack. A song that will be on the album releasing the same day as the game with a whole lot of other songs too. If you are into that then this is some amazing news and information. Most of out there would rather have some more gameplay to look at, but it is what it is…
Just Cause 4 — Eye Of The Storm
Just Cause 4 introduces a new adrenaline-fuelled chapter for rogue agent Rico Rodriguez. After Rico lands in Solís to uncover the truth behind his father’s death, he will be fighting the ruthless Black Hand militia in extreme conditions; led by the ruthless Gabriela, this is Rico’s ultimate challenge. A storm is approaching; are you ready to bring the thunder?
This high-octane CGI trailer is produced and directed by Visual Works in collaboration with Director’s Duo. The title track, ‘I’m Just (Remix)’ by Artizan, is one of four tracks created for Just Cause 4 which are out now for digital download. The full Just Cause album releases on December 4 to tie in with the release of the game. Watch out for the extremely limited edition colored vinyl too!
I am going to sound like a broken record, yet again, but it always boggles my mind when we get to this point in the game’s development and all we have is sizzle to remind us the game is still coming and we should buy it. I would question how this money could have been used to make Just Cause 4 a better and bigger game as most of us, fans and non-fans, still know the game is coming without this bit of flash. I do hope we reach a place where this is no longer needed or everyone opts to use the actual game to sell itself and not a pre-rendered non-gameplay version of it. I may be the minority of all of this though.
Did you forget that Just Cause 4 was on its way here soon or did you need this little reminder to get you to pre-order the game? Are you ready to be done and away with videos like this to promote games or do you find value in them when nothing from them are truly part of the game? How do you think that they could have spent this money instead of a nice CG trailer to show off a new song? Let us and the world out there know what you are thinking. For more on Just Cause 4, be sure to keep swinging by here. We will keep everything flowing out there as best that we can.