New gameplay for Devil May Cry 5 is here as well as a look at what will come with the Deluxe Edition of Devil May Cry 5
The headline more or less says it all here; we have new gameplay for Devil May Cry 5 fresh out of TGS and it offers up all of the fun we could expect and then a bit more. We also get to see the newly added V to the franchise who will also be a playable character in the game with Nero and Dante. Specifically how has yet to be detailed from Capcom, but I have a feeling it will flow in well. There has to be more that being the “new client” for the Devil May Cry team. Although, we may have to wait until March 8th before we get to see just what he brings to the game on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
In addition to the new character here for Devil May Cry 5, we get a little more on the flashy combos and abilities of Nero and Dante in the game. Nothing on specifically how we will be pulling off all of those crazy moves, but it is nice to see and watch the blood and bodies fly. Have a look down below to see it all in action. Also stick around a bit after as we have a little more to take in as a nice little tease. Do enjoy.
Devil May Cry 5 — TGS 2018
The city’s gone to hell and back, completely overrun by demons from the underworld. Turns out, it’s not just Red Grave City in trouble. They’re everywhere. In Devil May Cry 5, legendary demon hunter Dante teams up with fellow demon hunter Nero and weapons artist Nico to push his investigation and extermination techniques to the limits. In a new trailer released today, see Dante back in action with his trusty sword Rebellion, guns Ebony and Ivory, and an utterly insane motorbike that splits at the handlebars to create twin blade weapons. Catch all this and much more, including a glimpse of Dante pulling his Devil Trigger, in the trailer featuring Dante’s most over-the-top action gameplay in series history.
Nero and Dante take on the hellish onslaught to get to the root of the mystery behind the blood-sucking demon tree Qlipoth at the city center. Joining them are beloved series heroines and partners Trish and Lady who make a grand return. The full game will feature three playable characters each with their own radically different gameplay style. Play as Nero, Dante, and the newly introduced V, a mysterious new client for the “Devil May Cry” office that speaks in poetic verse. More will be revealed about V in the coming months.
Well, if you stuck around then you saw that Mega Man‘s Mega Buster shows up in Devil May Cry 5. Not just as a nice little nod to the other Capcom titles, but as a usable weapon for those who go out and pick up the Deluxe Edition of the game. There are others too, but we will focus on this one as it also has its own little gameplay trailer to better show it off than the small teaser. It will be a fully functioning arm for Nero to use in Devil May Cry 5 and will have a lot of the same capabilities one would expect it to have. I am not sure if it will actually allow for you to play the game in the way you are about to see, so we will place that in the firm marketing side of things. At least when not using it as a basic gun.
Devil May Cry 5 — Mega Buster
Nico gets inspired by Mega Man… Nero gets equipped with Mega Buster!
Get this amazing crossover item, plus 3 additional unique Devil Breakers, an upgraded motorcycle weapon for Dante, and more, with the Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe Edition, coming to Xbox One, PS4, and PC on March 8, 2019
How are you feeling about Devil May Cry 5 now that we have had even more to take in? How do you think this new character will fit into everything and will V become a new fan-favorite? What do you think about the new Mega Buster coming in from Mega Man 11 and will it be a go to weapon for you? Let us have those answers and then discuss down in the comments. If there is more for Devil May Cry 5, we will have it all here for you. Just stay locked into the site for all of those updates.