The next hero for Paragon has been announced and it looks like he is bringing along some new stealth options for Paragon and your whole team
He we go with the next hero to come to Paragon next week on June 27th. It’s hard to think that we’ve gone another three weeks again and that Epic Games had a chance to get the new character together in the craziness that is E3 and such. None the less though, the PS4 and PC versions of Paragon will be graced with yet another hero and this one is named Wraith. Not in the spirit form the name usually means, but more in the stealth assassin style of the name. I guess we truly have pressed on from the age of the supernatural and into the nickname world with all of that. None the less, here we go.
Just as you could assume, Wraith here in Paragon is just that kind of covert option. All with ability to see and tag enemies from across the map and through level geometry. Not only that, but he can make your heroes all invisible to jump out and surprise the enemy or enemies as the case may be. Mix in the ability to teleport an enemy back to where they were moments ago and you have what sounds like a great character to play in Paragon but a horrible one to be up against. Just as it seems with all of the other characters in the game so far, but that is how it all goes at this point. That is not a bad thing though.
Have a look at Wraith in action in Paragon just below now. I will say that character model seems a little on the lax side of things and looks a lot like the default character that comes in the Unreal Engine, but I guess Epic Games can use it as they are the ones that crafted it all. None the less, have a look and then wait for Wraith to land in Paragon on the 27th now.
Paragon — Wraith
Wraith (Intellect, Order) is a graduate of the special operations program Echelon, and was apprenticed to the only other graduate, Kallari. She specializes in assassination while he specializes in surveillance. A recon specialist, Wraith uses high tech tools to gather intel on his targets and outmaneuver his enemies.
- Knock, Knock! (RMB/R1) — A long-range scoped shot that penetrates geometry. Killing an enemy hero or minion with this ability will refund the mana cost over a short time and reduce the cooldown.
- Who’s there? (Q/Square) — Wraith launches a sonar ward that pings its location to reveal nearby enemy Heroes. No line-of-sight restrictions.
- Back it up! (E/Circle) — Mark an enemy Hero to warp them back to where they were moments ago.
- Surprise, Surprise! (R/Triangle) — Wraith sends himself and nearby allies into the Shadow Plane and grants a movement speed boost.
How are you feeling about Wraith here in Paragon as it stands? Do you think he will add in a nice balance for your team or will he be used to get thing unbalanced rather quickly in the mix of it all? Do you think that the character model feels a little on the bland side when compared to everything else that we’ve seen so far? Let us know what you are thinking about it all down in the comments and then discuss. For more on Paragon and the upcoming heroes that will be coming to it all, be sure to keep checking back in here. We’ll have those updates along with our thoughts and you’ll want to be up to date.