The story and fun of Fe is finally here as the game has launched and for those still not sure on Fe, we also have another trailer to suck us in
The day has finally come and Fe is here for our PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and/or PC. I know I have been waiting for this beautiful 3D platformer from Zoink since I first caught wind of it all and now I am glad to see that it has finally launched. To go along with all of that, EA has also provided us with a brand new trailer to watch for Fe to get all of you still on the bench up and ready to give the game a try. It does have the beauty of some other great titles like Journey in there and has us taking a small creature through an adventure to save all of the woodlands and connect all of us a bit closer through sound. It even has a nice little meaning behind it all on top of its look.
If you have missed out on Fe so far, it is a game where will take control of a small cub-like creature of the game’s name. We will be exploring a Nordic forest filled with all kinds of other creatures and we will need to learn their languages to help protect everything. Protect it all from some menacing machines called the Silent Ones. It sounds a bit like Ferngully when you mix in all of that context there. Which, of course, just adds to the excitement we should all have at getting to jump into the world of Fe. Have a look at the new trailer and then head on out there and pick the game up. I expect we will not be let down at all.
Fe — This Is Fe
Named after the game’s protagonist, players will run, climb, and glide through the Nordic forest as the cub-like creature, Fe. Uncover the secrets of Fe’s origin while protecting the ecosystem from the menacing machines, the Silent Ones. As Fe embarks on a voyage of discovery, the wordless experience requires Fe to learn to speak the language of the forest by singing in-tune with various fantastical plants and animals, each of which offers unique gameplay benefits that will help along the journey.
“In Fe, sounds connect every living thing in the diverse ecosystem,” said Klaus Lyngeled, CEO and Creative Lead at Zoink Games. “The forest holds a multitude of secrets to be uncovered by connecting with the flora and fauna. As a wordless experience, the entire story is up for the players’ own interpretation as they move through the forest at their own pace. Fe is a beautiful, connected world that players will never want to leave.”
Uncover the mysteries of nature in a world worth exploring as Fe happens upon ancient ruins, hidden artifacts, secret places, and new powers. Each experience offers a hand-crafted short story, wrapped in a visually stunning, memorable, and fun environment. Discover Fe’s origin and learn that nothing is what it first seems.
Have you been paying a close eye to Fe and are you ready to dive into the game today? Do you agree that it sounds and look like the other IPs that I mentioned or is it wrong to compare them all together when this could be its own thing? Do you think that Zoink will have the gameplay mixed up enough to keep it all engaging or will it be the same levels and puzzles over and over with just a different look to them all? Tell us your thoughts on this and more down in the comments and then discuss if you want. If there are any more updates for Fe, we will have them on the site here. Just be sure to keep coming back so you can stay up to date on it all.