A new horror game, Paranoid, is announced and let loose with a bit of new gameplay to let us judge if we will be willing to Paranoid in the future
Here we go with another horror title getting announced as we now have Paranoid to the ever-growing list of titles in that genre. The more interesting part is that this title is coming from Madmind Studios who has just come off of launching their most recent title, Agony, in an unrated form. It does look like they enjoy those one-word titles for their games does it not? In any instance, we now have that announcement as well as a little bit to go on for Paranoid at this point. Even if the video below does look like it will be a long one, there is just not all that much to fully take in as it is just a concept. At least by title.
Anyway, in Paranoid we will be taking on the role of Patrick Calman. A man who has more or less become agoraphobic after the death and/or disappearance of his family. Or at least that is why he turned to pills and booze as his sister has popped back into the scene thirteen years later and he is trying to find answers for it all. You cannot truly get that from the following gameplay we have for Paranoid, but that is what the developers have listed so far as the story. We do get to see how his mind has been warped and thus leading into the game’s title. All in what looks like another walking simulator through a very weird and NSFW kind of setting. Have a look at the video just below to see what we are talking about here.
Paranoid — Concept Gameplay
Paranoid tells the story of Patrick Calman, a 31-year-old man who has lost his entire family under mysterious circumstances. His parents died violently and his sister went suddenly missing. Trauma associated with the loss of his loved ones destroyed Patrick’s psyche. His own apartment became his prison.
One day Patrick gets a call and the voice on the phone seems to belong to his sister. Thirteen years after the disappearance, she announces her comeback. To learn the truth about everything Patrick will have to leave his life of seclusion, exposing himself to horrible experiences that will put him on the verge of madness.
Did you expect the studio to bring another title to us so quickly here or does it all make sense given where things were before Paranoid was announced here? Does it look like it will be too close to their previous title for you or will it be vastly different and this concept is here to just give you a feeling? Are you surprised that this one is only hitting the PC and skipping the consoles, at this point, or will there be a wide announcement at a later time? Let us have all of those thoughts down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. When there is more to share for Paranoid, we will share it. Just be sure to stick close to the site to see it all.