A new trailer for Maize has been released just for the game’s launch and it looks to show off some of Maize’s gameplay and humor in the mix
Today marks the day that Maize is released to the joy or dismay of those PC gamers out there. I say dismay not because I think that Finish Line Games isn’t going to deliver something fun and entertaining but because there are so many other video games out there right now that we are all sinking our time into. I can easily see Maize getting picked up and forgotten because of this and the lack of gameplay footage and details that we’ve seen to keep it well in our view. That is all going to change though as he I am talking about this PC game again to get your attention and the fact that there is now a solid trailer for the game that shows off just how it plays. Also its humor…
If you are still not in the know on Maize, it is a first-person adventure/puzzle game that has you running around an abandoned government facility that is inhabited by sentient corn. Your only buddy on this trip is Vlad; not the impaler but a Russian sentient teddy bear/robot that is full of all of the humor you could expect from the title at this point. As many have said, including all of the press releases, this shit can’t be made up…even though it really was to get Maize up and running but that’s taking away from the fun of it all. None the less though, we have a new gameplay trailer just below to show it all off and get you to pick it up today.
Maize — Launch Trailer
Kick back, relax, enjoy a cup of tea, and watch Maize‘s launch trailer. Unless you’ve completely forgotten about the kettle, in which case, go take it off of the stove. If the kettle is in fact on fire, stop reading this paragraph immediately and find a bucket of water.
I do have to say that it looks like Maize is using a lot of the really good, old puzzle mechanics and such that we’ve grown to love over the year. At least as it looks in the above trailer. We’ll have to search around for random items in the game’s world and then figure out how they all go together to progress on through the world and levels. It looks a lot like the puzzle mechanics from the original Resident Evil games just with the horror and zombies replaces with humor and corn. There is something I never thought I would write but there you go. We have Finish Line Games to thank for that. Or to hate for that depending on how your funny bone is feeling right now.
What do you think of Maize as it all stands right now? Do you think it is the right level of absurd for you or does it look to go too far? Do you think that the puzzles and level progression will be like many other winning formulas out there or will it be something that is dated and should have been altered from day one? Let us know your thoughts on it all down in the comments and feel free to discuss. If there is more on Maize as we progress into the future, know that we will have it here. Be sure to keep checking back in here so you can be completely up to date.