New contracts and gear are coming to Hitman as well as a full-on Game Of The Year Edition for Hitman and its first season of content
The events and action of Hitman have not seemed to stop since the season first launched last year and even though the franchise looked like it could be getting its own contract on itself, it looks like we have more to see for it all. More so now that IO Interactive has put together a new Game Of The Year Edition of the game as well as all kinds of other things to come to the game for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Including a new contract for Hitman that will carry on a bit of the story as well as add in a bunch of new targets and action into the mix. Not too shabby after a year of release and mainly Elusive Target gameplay and custom Contracts to keep it all going.
You can look for Hitman‘s Game Of The Year Edition to land on November 7th as well as all the updates to flow out there for current owners of the game and its first season. Of course, nothing comes for free as this new edition will set you back $60 USD if you are first time owner of it all, but only $20 USD for those who have put in all of the time and effort with the game since day one. Or any day before November 7th as this price goes for anyone who is not brand new to this Hitman title. At least if you currently own all seven of the episodes through all the various means they were all released out there.
So, what comes in this new version and update for Hitman? A new campaign mission called Patient Zero where one of 47’s kills had a contingency plan set up in the instance of their death and will send him on a four-mission spree across four of the current maps out there. We will also be getting three new suits and weapons to go along with each. To top it all off, there will also be three new Escalation Contracts out there for those who opt-in for all of this fun. A lot of nice things for those huge Hitman and those who are finally looking to get their feet wet in this season of content. It has been well worth the price for me since launch so hopefully this will drive you in as well.
Hitman — Game Of The Year Edition
Hitman — Game of the Year Edition will be released digitally on November 7th 2017 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC!
Here’s a full rundown of what’s included:
- Hitman The Complete First Season — This is everything that we created for Hitman Season One. All seven locations, all bonus missions, all of the Challenge Packs, Escalation Contracts, Featured Contracts and more than 700 challenges! We’re talking more than 100 hours of gameplay and a game that we’re continuing to improve. See below for more of that.
- New: ‘Patient Zero’ Campaign — After the routine elimination of a target, a contingency plan to unleash a global pandemic is triggered and Agent 47 must race against the clock to prevent a virus from spreading. This four-mission campaign spans different locations in the game, each one re-worked from the original settings with new gameplay opportunities, disguises, characters, challenges, gameplay mechanics, AI behavior and HUD elements. Bangkok, Sapienza, Colorado and Hokkaido look and feel completely different with a new time of day and new custom music created by the composer for Season One, Niels Bye Nielsen.
- New: Clown Suit and ‘A New Bat’ — Corky the Clown is back! This fan-favourite from Blood Money returns in Hitman and his red wig, colourful socks and giant shoes look better than ever! Not only does the clown suit look great, but it’s the only way to carry his signature weapon without attracting attention. ‘A New Bat’ will trigger custom sound and visual effects every time it is used.
- New: Raven Suit and ‘Sieger 300 Ghost’ — Where tactical meets practical and stylish, you’ll find the Raven Suit. This is the perfect choice for Agent 47’s sniper operations. The Raven Suit is black and charcoal with the finest gloves and pockets for every tool. The Sieger 300 Ghost is a unique ICA variant of the Sieger 300 and the all-black rifle perfectly matches the Raven Suit for high-precision, high-damage long-range engagements. It’s got a suppressor, an extended scope with four levels of zoom and the Marksman perk, which allows you to improve your aim and slow time.
- New: Cowboy Suit and ‘The Striker’ — The Cowboy suit is steel blue on patriotic white and comes complete with a beautiful set of albino alligator boots, sunglasses and a cowboy hat as pure as Colorado snow. Naturally, the belt buckle is the size of your fist. Accompanying this suit is The Striker; a magnum pistol that packs one hell of a punch. Not only does it have increased damage at all ranges, it also knocks back targets and has piercing rounds.
- New: 3 themed Escalation Contracts — There’s more! We’ve created a new Escalation Contract for each new weapon/suit combination. You’ll be dressing in each new suit and using each new weapon as you complete Escalation Contracts with some brand new complications based on some new gameplay mechanics. We’ve themed these new features with each suit to make for some unique experiences.
That is, of course, all of the paid content coming to Hitman on November 7th, but there are some new updates coming for those who do not want to opt-in to the GOTY edition. Mostly it will be some reworking of some of the game engine specifics to make it look and flow better as well as improve things for the Xbox One X. There will also be some redesign to some of the UI to make it flow a bit smoother. The big addition here though is that IO Interactive is going to be re-triggering all of those past Elusive Target missions for those who missed out. The only drawback is if you have already played and failed/succeeded in the mission you will not be able to replay. You will only be able to play the ones that you may have missed. Good news for those who had busy schedules during all of that time.
Will you be picking up the Hitman GOTY Edition or its little side purchase for those currently playing or owning the game already? Does the one extra campaign and gear give you enough incentive to drop the extra cash? Will you be at least enjoying the chance to go after all of those missed targets from before? Let us all know down in the comments and then discuss. For all things Hitman, make sure to stick around here on the site as we will keep all of this information flowing to you so you can be on top of it all like Agent 47 always is.