It looks like Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is no longer a console exclusive as Xbox gamers will be able to experience Hellblade here in April
Good news for those Xbox One gamers out there who wanted a chance to experience the fun of Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice. The game is making the jump over to your platform here on April 11th so you can see what they hype is all about. It will no longer be the domain of the PC and PS4 gamers out there so all can get a real showing of how Ninja Theory is pushing the industry forward in not only tech but also in how certain stories can be told and aid society. I know Hellblade has helped me to understand what others go through with some of these ailments as well as help others understand my own issues. Also it is a damn solid video game in general that should be enjoyed even if those mental issues are not your specific jam out there.
In addition to Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice coming to the Xbox One, it will be heading there with three enhanced modes for you to play it in. Enhanced Visuals mode will offer extra FX and visual quality. High Framerate mode will run the whole game at 60 fps. High Resolution mode will run Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice with dynamic resolutions ranging up to 4K. All great options for the game. Seeing as you can pre-order the game right now at a 10% discount, I do not know why you are not heading right out there and picking up now. Even at the full price of $29.99 USD it is fully worth the price of admission to experience this title.
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice — Accolades
We are happy to announce that Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice will be coming to Xbox One and Enhanced for One X on April 11th!
Hellblade on Xbox supports HDR and the game is enhanced for Xbox One X, with players having the choice of 3 enhanced modes to select from: Enhanced Visuals mode offers extra FX and visual quality throughout the experience, High Framerate mode runs the game at 60fps and High Resolution mode runs the game with dynamic resolutions up to 4K.
Xbox players can pre-order Hellblade on the Xbox Store from Monday and, as a thank you to the patient Ninja Theory Xbox fans, pre-ordering or buying in the first week comes with a 10% discount on the $29.99 USD price.
Ninja Theory
Will you be taking your first steps in Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice now that it is coming to the Xbox One? Are you surprised that it finally made the jump over to this console or did you expect it to stay on the PS4 by itself forever? Do any of these enhanced modes for the Xbox One X excite you for more visual amazement or will you play with whichever default you have set up no matter the case? Let us all know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. If there is more for Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice after this, we will have it up on the site for you. Just be sure to keep checking back in here so you can see them all.