A new video for Ghost Recon Wildlands has released and details how Ghost Recon Wildlands will give us all a bit of freedom to how we play the game in the end
Here we go with another Ghost Recon Wildlands update that doesn’t really give us much in terms of gameplay footage but it does let us know that the game will give us some of the sweet, sweet freedom that we all love when playing our games. This seems to be how most of Ubisoft‘s titles are going now but at least it seems fitting here. Not to say that the other titles didn’t fit with it but it is here as not all missions in the world can really follow a linear path or story. Yes, that should be read that Ghost Recon Wildlands will give us the freedom to pick and choose which missions we go out on as well as how we can approach each once actually in the field.
Like I said, this isn’t something completely groundbreaking or new here for the game but it is defined out a bit more in the following video for Ghost Recon Wildlands. On top of being able to select missions out of order it also touches on the fact that we have the freedom to choose how out Ghosts look in the game but I am a bit curious to see if there will be any gameplay backlash for this or if it will all be truly cosmetic. I mean, someone wandering in wearing street clothes that stand out and draw attention should draw the attentions of the enemies and such. I’m going to guess that won’t be the case here but it would be nice to see your stealth lowered when wearing street clothes that don’t blend in well. Could be just me though.
Have a look at the new video for Ghost Recon Wildlands just below and then get ready to wait for the game a bit more. It is still slated to release on March 7th of 2017 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Of course you can secure your copy as of now but things can and may change so keep that in mind. It is all part of the freedom of choice after all.
Ghost Recon Wildlands — Freedom Of Choice
In Ghost Recon Wildlands, you have the freedom to choose how you approach your missions. Learn more about your options with Eric Couzian, Creative Director, Laurent Fischer, Senior Technical Director and a former member of the US Special Operations.
Will you be picking and choosing you Ghost Recon Wildlands missions or will you try to stay on the perceived path? Does it truly shock you that you’ll be able to tackle the game how you want here or did you think it would be more linear? Would you like to see mismatched clothes giving penalties during the game or would you like it all to be just cosmetic? Let us know in the comments and feel free to discuss. For more on Ghost Recon Wildlands as it all comes out of Ubisoft, be sure to stay right here. We’ll bring you all of the new videos and updates that we can get our hands on and you won’t want to miss out on a single thing.