A new interview for Assassin’s Creed Origins has the main voice actor discussing what it was like to record for Assassin’s Creed Origins and other challenges
Tomorrow (October 27th) is the big day and we will be getting to finally experience all that Assassin’s Creed Origins has to offer us and see just how the franchise has progressed after the extra year of development time. We have had a whole lot of hype leading up to this day and I am sure Ubisoft has been reveling in it all the way but that does not mean they do not have yet another push to get us to our fun excitement level. We have seen a lot of the in-game stuff for Assassin’s Creed Origins, but now it is time to slow it down and get to know the main character we will be spending hours with here over the next few weekends. Not in the traditional way of course, but in a much deeper way.
Okay, that all may be fluff there, but we do have a nice little interview with Abubakar Salim who voices Bayek in Assassin’s Creed Origins. A nice little interview that gives us all a bit more of the behind the scenes feel for what it is like to work on a game. Well, at least the shinier side of it all as we have seen time and time again how horrible it can be. Nonetheless, he is here to give us a rundown of just how it was to work on Assassin’s Creed Origins and help bring Bayek and the world to life. I mean, they do not have any real good points of reference on how the Ancient Egyptians spoke and such, so there was that big hurdle he and the team had to get over to make it feel authentic. At least as authentic as possible for the rest of the world who has no idea on the same thing as well. It is time to rewrite history I guess.
While it is a good interview and fun to learn more about the voice we will be working within Assassin’s Creed Origins, do be warned that it does sound like there are a few little spoilery things dropped in there. They may just be throwaway comments here, but to me they do sound like they are part of the bigger picture. That is at least my take on it and hopefully I am wrong and Ubisoft would not let that stuff slip through. I just wanted to make sure you went into it already just in case though. Have a look.
Assassin’s Creed Origins — Meet Abubakar Salim, The Man Behind Bayek Of Siwa
In this exclusive interview, actor Abubakar Salim talks about his experiences playing the role of Bayek of Siwa in Assassin’s Creed Origins.
Where are your current excitement levels for Assassin’s Creed Origins currently and is the wait too much to bear at this time? Do you find it interesting to hear how they created the minor things in the world that we have no real reference for? Does any of this matter to you and you would rather be updated with gameplay and in-game visuals? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments and then discuss if you wish? I am sure we will have more on Assassin’s Creed Origins after it launches here and it will be up on the site. Keep checking back in to see and hear it all so you can be completely in the know.