Another trailer and reminder for the first Call Of Duty: WWII DLC is out again to get us all ready to join the resistance in Call Of Duty: WWII next week
If you needed a new reminder that The Resistance DLC for Call Of Duty: WWII lands on the PS4 next week, then be glad you clicked on in here. Of course, if you just want to see some new footage of the maps and modes Sledgehammer Games has put together as you own the game on the Xbox One or PC, then it is a good thing to have clicked in here too. You have to love those timed-exclusives that Activision has set up for the DLC for the Call Of Duty franchise and such. Or, you know, do not love as it make experiences quite different for players. Now I am getting away from the most recent update at hand though…
If you wanted yet another look at the DLC before it invades Call Of Duty: WWII, which is what we have here. It is a well put together trailer that shows off the four new maps, the new mode, and the next chapter for the Nazi Zombies mode. We have seen a bit for all of this already, but we needed a new reminder to get us back on the game and then ready to download it. It is part of the Season Pass, so if you like what you are about to see here for Call Of Duty: WWII, then you may want to look into getting that. It is also available on its own so you can get each piece on its own. Just in case you are not excited for one DLC or another.
Call Of Duty: WWII — The Resistance DLC
The Resistance arrives Jan 30th for PS4. Fight to liberate three new MP maps set in iconic locations, a new war mission, and the latest terrifying chapter of Nazi Zombies. Battle your way through the Paris streets in Occupation, the Wolf’s Lair in Valkyrie, and the torn city of Prague in Anthropoid. Free your fellow resistance fighters on Operation Intercept. Then try to survive the zombie-infested island on The Darkest Shore.
Did you already remember that this DLC was coming to Call Of Duty: WWII next week or did you need the reminder? Do you think it will play as epic as the trailer makes it all look or will it be just some new maps and objectives with the same players doing things the same way? Are you tired of the timed exclusive stuff in video games or do you think it has a firm place to stay? Give us all of your thoughts on this and more down in the comments. As more for Call Of Duty: WWII is revealed, we will have it on the site. Keep checking back in to see it all.