Another bit of hype is here for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, as we will have a new Alexa skill added to the list to go right along with Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Add another video game out there that will have some form of Alexa integration as Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is adding this to the skill tree of the device. Nothing that will be fully linked or needed to play the game, but something that will allow for Ubisoft to market the game a bit more and offer up other options to get some of that in-game information. Also, it will add a bit more humor to the overall Assassin’s Creed universe as who would not want Alexios the Spartan yelling the responses back at you? I know I will enjoy that. Especially since it looks like there will be over 1500 different responses programmed in and not all of them will be information about the game’s world.
You can activate the skill as of right now, if you have a device that can do so, but you will have to wait until the Assassin’s Creed Odyssey specific information just a bit. You will have to wait until October 2nd at least as the game will be available. If you want to ask ridiculous questions and get their responses though, you can do that as so as you are done reading here as it is active. Then you can have Alexios screaming at you or waking you up in the most inappropriate ways. Although I have a feeling it will be more along the lines of the regular Alexa stuff just with the Assassin’s Creed flair around it. No need to wonder though as we can get it now.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey — Alexa Meets Alexios
The Spartan Skill
You need a Spartan in your life. Meet Alexios, the world’s first Spartan Smart Assistant. Designed for use in the real world as well as the in-game world of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Alexios will guide you, and “encourage” you, until you have the stoic, steeled demeanor of a Spartan warrior.
Just open the skill by saying “Alexa, open The Spartan,” and then ask any questions that you might ask your usual Alexa-enabled device.
Here are a few examples of the skill’s finest Spartan responses to common questions:
- “Tell me about the Temple of Zeus.”
- “What’s on my shopping list?”
- “Tell me about the Battle of the Giants vs Gods.”
- “Tell me a joke”
From there, your AI Spartan will respond to more than 1,500 prompts as only a Spartan would. Feel free to say “Hello” to be greeted with, “I am Alexios, the great Spartan warrior, here to bring honor to your suburban lives.” Try asking, “What’s the news?” and you might hear, “The sirens lured another ship to its doom. 45 sailors died happily.” Or, if you’d like to get to know Alexios a bit better, ask him, “What’s your favorite drink?” and he just might respond with, “The blood of my enemies. But during peacetime, a raspberry mojito.”
How do you feel about things like this for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey becoming a way to sell more games? Do you think it will be handy to ask about the game’s world in this manner or would you rather just explore and see it all on your own? How do you think this will play in to the Exploration Mode or will they be completely separate and different experiences? Let us all know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, in any form, be sure to keep checking in here. We will keep it all coming at you as fast as we can.