Another look at the vehicles of Far Cry 5 is here and we get to see a few more of the ‘rides’ we will get to have when Far Cry 5 launches
Here we go with even more for Far Cry 5 as we have yet another look at the vehicles we will be using in the game to bring down all kinds of insanity on that cult out there in Montana. We all knew it was going to be a thing as it really is part of the franchise that Ubisoft has crafted here, but we needed to have another reminder of what is going to be going on. That and we are heading out into the mid-western wilds of the United States where things can get a bit crazier than any of those other areas that Far Cry has done before. That whole “those Americans and their car obsession” thing is going to be kicked into a higher gear here for Far Cry 5 and this latest video is just a bit of a taste.
In the past few videos, we have been shown how some of the Heroes For Hire will have their own to add into the mix with some requiring missions to unlock them. Nick Rye’s plane has been taken by the cult when we first meet up with him in Far Cry 5 and I would not be surprised if we have to go and ‘liberate’ it back for him to add him into the roster. Also, though, it looks like the muscle cars will be out in force as well as some custom vehicles that we can use to demolish almost anything in Far Cry 5. For instance, we get to see a freighter truck that has had machine guns mounted to it here as well as all of the other minor and major vehicles Far Cry 5 will hold for us.
Far Cry 5 — Vehicles Of Mayhem
We take an in-depth look at some of the traditional, and outright insane, vehicles of destruction you can commandeer in Far Cry 5.
Far Cry 5 is not a GTA style game so it does seem a bit off to have more of the over-the-top vehicles in there, but from what I can see I will not complain. I do find it a bit funny that the guys over at Ubisoft showing the vehicles off here do claim that one will make you an unstoppable force in Far Cry 5 only to drive it into a rocky patch that totally stops the car. Something that this truck should have been able to go right over, but it was stopped dead. Maybe there is more to it or just a nice limitation so we are not just driving through all of the buildings in Far Cry 5 and collecting things from the dead. That would be the easy way to do it all.
Are you glad to see all of these vehicles in Far Cry 5 and do you think we will see crazier ones as we get deeper into the game? Could we be able to drive through every building and other vehicles if we unlock the right ones or will we still be stopped by something as small as a rocky patch? Do you think that we could get some even more bizarre vehicles in the game given some of the settings or will we be stuck a bit more in realism than we can imagine? Give us those thoughts and ideas down in the comments and then discuss. When we have more for Far Cry 5, we will have it on the site for you. Just keep checking in to make sure you see it all.