More of the Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus live action videos have been placed out there to give us a better feel of Wolfenstein II’s new world
Here we go with yet another of those propaganda videos for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus and this time it is one to show us just how the Nazis would have handled American pop culture if they would have won WWII. At least this is how Machine Games has pictured it all in the alternative history view they have for the game. While I have a feeling we won’t see German… Or Else! actually in Wolfenstein II, these videos do give us a fun way on how to look at the world that they are building. Although it does make me wonder a bit more on how Bethesda is handling all of this marketing in Germany directly, but we’ll let them worry about that for now. Or maybe get “re-educated” along the way.
Anyways, just as before, there is little in the way of new gameplay for Wolfenstein II here in the new extended video here. That wasn’t the goal though as it is all supposed to help us understand how the world is now and get a feel for it all. It should also be there to help spurn the idea and anger that BJ has in the game upon us as well. At least us if we are talking in terms of the non-Nazi party members of the world. That and to keep us locked into all of the Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus stuff as we wait for more for the actual game as we wait for October 27th to finally roll around.
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus — German… Or Else!
It’s not enough for the Nazis to simply subjugate the planet. That’s why they are even imposing their will on pop culture, taking what would have been iconic American TV shows and producing them with a uniquely German attitude. Watch an episode of German… or Else! right now to get a feel for life under Nazi tyranny in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.
Do these videos give you a better feel for the world of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus or just filler that can be ignored? Do you think that we will see these finer details of the state of the people in the game or will these be the best ways even after launch? DO you think we may get to see a side mission where we liberate people from this game show or will it forever just be fluff? Let us and the free world know down in the comments and then discuss. For more on Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, be sure to stick around here as we will have it and we wouldn’t want to have to send you off for re-education and other lessons…