The virtual cabin is coming back to Friday The 13th: The Game for all to enjoy and learn even more about the Friday The 13th franchise
If you have been following along with Friday The 13th: The Game since back during its Kickstarter days, then you may remember the Virtual Cabin DLC that they had for backers when they were still looking for funding. It was a nice way to stay up to date on some of what IllFonic was working on as it housed looks at all of the Jason variations we would later get to play and was also supposed to be a hub for us to see and hear anything we collected during matches. Not to mention that it was talked about to be the hub in between matches of Friday The 13th to give you something extra to do while waiting. Then it somewhat just fell off and was never heard of again after the initial launch of the game.
As it would seem, the Virtual Cabin for Friday The 13th: The Game is coming back and coming back strong with a 2.0 version that will be hitting the PS4, Xbox One, and PC versions of the game. No longer will it be an exclusive for the PC. Not only is it coming to the new platforms, but as the version number indicates, it is getting a nice little renovation to give us all more bang for the buck. Specifics on what has been added and changed between the versions have still to be revealed, but there is a nice little trailer here to show all of that off and give us a good understanding of what will be coming for this little bonus. Have a look for yourself.
Friday The 13th: The Game — Virtual Cabin 2.0
Virtual Cabin 2.0 – Announcement Trailer! Come check out the new and improved Virtual Cabin 2.0 coming to PS4, Xbox One, and PC!
More or less, it looks a lot like the first version that came with Friday The 13th: The Game, but then you see the little details and how things are tied more to franchise trivia and then you can see this is for the hardcore fans out there. It also looks like there will be even more jump-scares mixed into the whole experience as well. At least this is based on the two little gags that happen in the above trailer. Then you can add in the fact that there is a way to exit the cabin here and have another nice little extra. There have been talks about opening up the maps for exploration and maybe this is how they are going to do it here. Unless being killed by Jason each time is all that is ever going to happen here.
Are you glad to see that Friday The 13th: The Game is getting its Virtual Cabin back or was it a feature you did not think was going to be back? Do you like the few changes that we have to see here or did you hope for a lot more? Will most of the new trivia feel new to you or are you such a hardcore fan that you know it all already? Let everyone know what you are thinking down in the comments and then discuss. For more on Friday The 13th: The Game as the information is released, be sure to stick here. With the physical release about to hit us here, I know that there will be a lot more to come.