All kinds of new things are coming to Friday The 13th: The Game here as the latest update is about to drop for Friday The 13th today…for most
A nice big update is coming here today for Friday The 13th: The Game on the PS4 and PC. Sometime soon for the Xbox One crowd out there. This new update is bringing a whole lot of new things that IllFonic has been working on and it will include some items that fans of the game have been hoping for as well as a lot of fun little extras to the game. It is not the new mode that we have been teased with by Gun Media, but we are getting another counselor for Friday The 13th, a raised level cap, the Virtual Cabin 2.0, and the option to play the game offline and all on our own. Just the way that horror movie killers love it.
While offline mode might sound nice, it will not be the full and same Friday The 13th: The Game experience for more reasons than just being able to play without the need of all the weirdos online. It looks like we are only going to be able to play as Jason on these maps and can spawn in one to seven counselors to the map of our choosing. There will be three different difficulty modes that will change the speed of which the counselors try to escape, how perfectly planned their healing is, and how often they will go after Jason (You) instead of running. This is great for those out there who are always hoping to get to play as Jason in the match but always end up being the Chad.
In addition to this, we are also getting the inclusion of Sheldon Finkelstein from Friday The 13th: Part III as one of the playable counselors. He will be added in for free to the game and looks like he may be up to all of the fun antics we know from the film. At least this is based on the following trailer making the announcement and getting us prepped for the inclusion. It would be interesting to see him have a roll like Tommy Jarvis in Friday The 13th here, but I have a feeling that would be a nightmare of work to add him in just for free. I could be wrong.
Speaking of Tommy, yes it somehow links here, it looks like Gun Media will be running some fun holiday events in Friday The 13th: The Game to keep us distracted from the family fun time and make use of the new perks and level caps that are coming. You can see the full list below, but it looks like over the Christmas week, the drop rates for the ever elusive Pamela Tapes and Jarvis Tapes will be increased so players can actually have a chance of finding one. These are the hidden tapes that can show up in a match that fill in more of the film’s lore and gives some other insight into the characters that have yet to be heard or explored. Hopefully, this means that we can experience them in our own Virtual Cabins now and not need to search online for a YouTube video of them.
Friday The 13th: The Game — Welcome Back Shelly!
Offline Bots:
Maybe you hate playing online with people. Maybe you want to learn the lay of the land in all the maps. Maybe you just want to practice laying waste to scores of counselors. No matter the why of your situation, today I am happy to announce that the next update of Friday The 13th: The Game will include offline bots.
To access this new feature, you’ll want to select the new “Offline Play” menu item, and then “Offline Bots”. Next up you’ll want to select the map you want to play on and select your preferred counselor punishing Jason.
Finally, you will be able to select how difficult the bots you play against will be from the 3 difficulty levels included in the update – Easy, Normal, and Hard. The higher the difficulty you choose, the longer counselors will remember you being in the area, the more likely they are to fight you, the quicker they are to react to your presence, the quicker they are to exit hiding spaces when you leave, and the more likely they are to use Medical Sprays smartly.
They’ll fix cars, boats, hide in closets, under beds, in sleeping bags, barricade doors, and more to keep you from making them into another victim. Feel like honing your single prey hunting skills? You’ll be able to select from 1 to 7 counselors in your offline game to ensure that you are playing against exactly how many counselors you want to stalk.
Max Level Increase:
Today I’m excited to talk about one of the new changes coming with our next update; an increase in max player level from 101 to 150. This increase won’t just be a number that keeps getting higher as you play more and earn XP. There are some cool things that you will unlock along the way, and we’re going to talk about a few of those right now.
New for Counselors:
More clothing coloring options for Mitch, Fox… and a couple more counselors that we aren’t ready to speak about, yet… allowing you to stand out from the other prey in the match.
New for Jason:
Get ready to murder pesky counselors in new ways. In the upcoming patch, you will be able to unlock two brand-spankin’ new grab kills for Jason, absolutely for free. Well, except for the cost of CP. We’ll also have bloody variations of multiple Jasons allowing you to walk around splattered with blood like the slasher you are.
That’s not all, though. More level rewards will be added in the coming months, and we’ll have more information about them in the coming months.
Holiday Events:
Starting on December 18th and lasting through to the 23rd, your chances of rolling a Rare and Epic perk will be increased. My advice, hoard that CP you collect over the weekend and spend it next week instead.
Starting on December 23rd and running through to the 27th, your chances of finding BOTH Pamela and Jarvis tapes will be increased. If you’re rummaging through drawers and find one, maybe go ahead and be a Chad and keep it for yourself.
Finally, from December 23rd and running through to January 2nd, you will be earning DOUBLE CP. Please note that CP earned from leveling up is NOT doubled, but everything else is.
But when does it come out?
For our Steam and PS4 users, you’re looking at receiving the next update on Monday, 12/18/2017. That is not an exact time, as there isn’t one available.
For our Xbox One players, we expect the update to follow shortly.
Are you glad to finally see Offline Bots coming to Friday The 13th: The Game or would you have rather seen IllFonic put together a full single-player campaign instead? Do you like the fact that Sheldon is being added in here or will he just be another counselor that sits on the sidelines while you increase your others? Will you be out there hunting for those Pamela and Jarvis tapes now that the odds are a little more in your favor? Let us all know down in the comments and then discuss. As more major updates for Friday The 13th: The Game come, we will have them here. Keep checking in on the site to make sure you get to see and hear them all.