Flea Madness Aims To Have Us Hunt, Eat, And Evolve In The Future

Flea Madness — Announcement

A new title, Flea Madness, is announced and Flea Madness will have us running around and doing just what the little pests normally do

If you are on the market for a weird and unique looking multiplayer game for the PS5, Xbox Series X, and/or PC then you will be interested in seeing Flea Madness announced here. This would be the next title to come from Missset and Crytivo in 2021. Okay, so you might not be fully in the market yet for Flea Madness given the fact that some of those platforms will not be out until close to then. That will not stop us from offering it all up for us to experience and take in. So get ready to see some of the weirdness that we will get as alien fleas have it out at the control of our hands here.

Flea Madness looks to be a new melee multiplayer title where we will take on the roles of alien fleas out to survive on the alien body we are seeing here. All while hiding, hunting, and becoming a better killer in the game’s world. It does look like a new type of battle royale title on our hands but with a different bit of a twist here. You can see the latest for Flea Madness just below and get an idea of what is going on in the game. Maybe even have a chance to dive into the fun of it all as they do have an alpha test flowing right now. You can only be so lucky…

Flea Madness — Announcement

Hunt. Eat. Evolve! Join a team of alien fleas in this fast-paced game of maddening multiplayer melee mayhem! Choose your species, customize your abilities, and then hunt, eat, and squash your friends and frenemies in team play—or Flea for All, where there can Flea only one!

Key features include:

  • Strike Fast – Speed is critical in Flea Madness. Flea who hesitates is dead! Use diverse landscapes to hunt and eat prey to gain power-ups—but be careful! Not everything you can eat may agree with you.
  • Get New Abilities – All over the map you can find food-insects which give various abilities, they can either speed you up, or play a bad joke and give you a debuff.
  • Hide – Use diverse landscape conditions and find unexpected places to hunt down and eat your victim.
  • Moving Fast Is The Pledge Of Survival – Be faster and more cunning than your opponents, otherwise you will be eaten or lose your size, that in flea world is almost the same!

Are you on the market for a game like Flea Madness as we see here or is it too far outside your norm to enjoy? Will it be more than just a battle royale style game here or will it be the next big thing for all of the platforms listed? Did they need to be aliens or is that just an easy way to explain a few things here outside of making a fun video game? Let us all know down in the comments. If there is more to offer up for Flea Madness, it will be here on the site. All you need to do is keep coming back here for that and more.

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