Get to know the heroes for hire in Far Cry 5 a bit more with some character story and ability breakdowns so you can better clear the cult in Far Cry 5
In Far Cry 5 we already know we will not just be an army of one taking on the villainous cult that has overtaken Hope County. If you did not know that, then you have been missing out on everything that Ubisoft has put out there and need to get on top of that. At least if you have interest in picking up Far Cry 5 on your PS4, Xbox One, or PC on March 27th at least. For those who have been following along, we know that we will be getting “Heroes For Hire” mixed into the fun to bring down the cult and each with their own reasons and abilities to bring with them. Three of which have been highlighted quite often since it was first shown off.
It looks like we have seven of these heroes joining the fight in Far Cry 5 though and we have new introductions for each of them now. Introductions and a bit of what they bring to the table in terms of abilities and explosive power. I still have a feeling more gamers out there will stick to Boomer, the dog, but we will have options. Options from a complete stealth bow and arrow hunter to a rocket launching redneck. It would not be Far Cry 5 without all of the over the top stuff, right? It is what the franchise is known for after all and it sure is delivering here. At least it looks that way so far.
Each of these characters in Far Cry 5 received their own video introduction and ability breakdown, but thankfully someone out there compiled them all in one location. You can see them all below with the minimal amount of extra advertisement that always is thrown in at the end of these little clips. Enjoy and then start the true debate on if you are still going to claim Boomer as your primary buddy in Far Cry 5. I am almost certain it will be Boomer or Jess Black for me. Things may change as we get closer to the release date though…
Far Cry 5 — Character’s Story
Help Grace Armstrong, the sharpshooting sniper, protect those who can’t protect themselves.
Take America’s good boy Boomer, along for the ride, as you defend Hope County against the cult.
Check out how Nick Rye, the king of the skies, will help you defend Hope County, and save his family’s future.
Jess Black, the master huntress, wants to destroy the Project at Eden’s Gate for what they’ve done to her. Help her get revenge and protect Hope County.
Defend the land with Sharky Boshaw, the pyromaniac. He’s ready to follow in his older cousin Hurk’s shoes, and clear the Project at Eden’s Gate out of Hope County once and for all.
Team up with your buddy Hurk, the dangerously stupid RPG, to fight for his hometown, Hope County, Montana. He’s tired of cultists messing with his mom Adelaide, and his younger cousin Sharky.
Hurk’s mama, Adelaide Drubman, The Chopper Queen, won’t let anything get in the way of her business ventures or hurt her son Hurk if she can help it. She’s more than willing to help you take down some Peggies.
Which of these Heroes For Hire in Far Cry 5 will you be tending to go more toward? Will we have to use all of them or can we use one throughout the entire game? Do you think that we will see more “heroes” as we get closer to launch or will these be all of the ones that Ubisoft will have in the game at launch? Let the world know your answers to these questions and more down in the comments and then discuss. For more on Far Cry 5 as it comes, be sure to be right here. We will keep the information flowing as best we can.