A new update for Killing Floor 2 is here just in time for Halloween and it brings a whole lot of new fun to Killing Floor 2 in many different ways
It is obviously that time of year again when the Halloween themed updates and DLC stats dropping for games and here we go for Killing Floor 2. It is one of the common franchises to get it and Tripwire Interactive is delivering right now. As in literally right now as it is out there as you are reading this for Killing Floor 2 on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC if you so want to download it. I mean, you might as well as it does add a whole lot more to the game being one of the largest updates that the team has crafted for the title thus far. Something that generally brings a lot more playtime with it.
As you will see in the following trailer, this new update brings a new map and holiday-themed changes to Killing Floor 2. It also brings along some new tracks to enjoy as well as a few new weapons just for the holiday fun. To top it off, if you own both Killing Floor 2 and Road Redemption on Steam you will be able to get a fun little weapon to add into the mix of killing and surviving. You cannot truly knock that too much. At least you should not want to knock that too much at the end of the day. Have a look and see what you can get in the game though.
Killing Floor 2 — Halloween Horrors: Monster Masquerade
Killing Floor 2 — Halloween Horrors: Monster Masquerade update key features include:
- New Map: Monster Ball — Test your mettle in this brand-new map with limited-time event objectives and rewards.
- New Looks Halloween Makeover — Celebrate Halloween with a full makeover for all enemies and bosses with new models, visual effects, and sound effects.
- New Tunes — Lend us your ears for new main menu tracks, action tracks, and trader time tracks.
- New Weapons:
- MKB42 — Commando
- HZ Medic Assault Rifle/Grenade Launcher — Field Medic/Commando
- FN-Fal — Sharpshooter/Commando
- Road Redemption Exclusive Weapon: The Road Redeemer
- This chained bat for the Berserker class is available exclusively on Steam for players with Road Redemption in their Steam library.
Are you ready for all of the Halloween themed updates coming to your games like Killing Floor 2 here? What do you think of the new map and weapons coming along with it all? Do you think these may persist after Halloween is over or will Tripwire Interactive pull it all back in after the season is over to make room for other stuff? Let us and the world know what you are thinking down in the comments. If there is more to share for Killing Floor 2, we will share it here. Be sure to keep coming back for all of that and more.