The release date for ECHO has been set and now we can sit back and wait for ECHO to hit the PS4 and PC in September
It has been some time since we heard or saw anything new for ECHO but it looked rather impressive last year when the first bit of gameplay dropped out there. This isn’t to be mistaken for the most recent VR title to come out; this one is being done by the team over at Ultra Ultra and is not a VR thing as of yet. This ECHO title is all based around us taking control of a character to try and survive a sentient Palace that learns our moves and actions to use them all against us. It’s been a bit since last we heard about it so it is okay if you don’t fully remember. Just know that it is now slated to release on the PS4 and PC on September 19th now.
All of this is good news for those who remember and have been looking forward to this unique experience that ECHO is going to have here for us. You are effectively playing against yourself in the game as it “records” your actions while taking out the enemies and stalking the world while the lights are on. Pretty much the only time you get to ignore that is when the lights go out and you are free to use your special tactics to your heart’s content. Hopefully this is ringing a few more bells for you all. If not, then just see the amazing new trailer for ECHO and get ready for it to launch here in just over a month. I know I am getting all my moves ready for this.
ECHO — Trailer
Introducing En, a callow space traveler who, after a century in stasis, arrives at her destination: A Palace born of legend, a marvel of an ancient civilization eons gone, still awaiting its first human occupants. Out here, using forgotten technology, En hopes to bring back a life that should not have been lost…
A character-driven story of introspection and discovery, ECHO quickly develops into something much more unsettling. Stepping into the shoes of En, it becomes clear that The Palace itself studies everything you are, everything that you do; in order to use it against you.
The Palace creates ‘Echoes’, with the sole purpose of destroying you. The game will shift and change as you do, constantly evolving its Echoes based your actions – If you sneak, they will get stealthier. If you shoot, they will start to shoot back.
Do you still remember ECHO or was this the nice little refresher you needed just before the game’s launch? Do you think that this structure of a game will hold up well for lower price point or will it be something that is forgotten quickly after launch? How accurate do you think the game’s AI will be when recording our moves or will it just keep things as basic “stealth” and “aggressive attacks?” Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss more as we all wait. Hopefully there will be more for ECHO in the coming weeks leading up to its launch and if there is, we will have it here. Be sure to keep checking in on the site for all of that as it may or may not come.