EA Tells Epic Games That They Were Always Sexier Than Take Two

So that thing with Take-Two didn’t work out huh, well there’s always more fish in the sea, and it looks like EA may have another one on it’s hook. Word on the street (from gameguru) states that EA is looking to gobble up Epic Games in an effort to win back the hearts and minds of the hardcore gamer.

Now gameguru may not have the best grammar or the most trustworthy sources however the fact that EA recently struck a deal with People Can Fly (an in-house studio belong to none other than Epic Games) only strengthens their claims.

Along with the claims of the Epic buyout, gameguru also indicates that EA would like to get it’s hands on Unreal 4.0 and furthermore to that, be the exclusive developer for it. Yes, that means that the next Gears of War (not 2 but 3, and why wouldn’t they), Brothers in Arms, BioShock, Mass Effect, and potentially Duke Nukem Forever (they could switch to this engine, you never know) would be EA developed. Of course that means that they would have to decide to stay with the Unreal Engine.

While EA may be as big as it’s ever going to get, I’ll let you know if and when I hear more.


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