The official Battlefield V reveal event has come and gone and now we have our first look at what Battlefield V will have to offer us
Yesterday we finally had our official reveal for Battlefield V and with it came some of the first gameplay and a whole lot of promises. The big one given to us that I am sure DICE wants us to focus on is that we will have a new look at WWII that we have yet to experience before. A lofty claim given that we have had so many other installments into the WWII era and some of them from the Battlefield franchise already. Given how well the last one did in WWI, though, it does feel like a claim that we could be seeing come to light on October 19th when the game hits the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. These big shooters do like trying to release at the same time do they not?
On top of that, there was a lot of talk about more of the minor things changing for Battlefield V as well as the following gameplay showing. It looks like we will be seeing some new ways to move about the area in the game and obviously the weapons of the era getting a closer to real depiction. It also looks like we are going to be seeing more destruction in the environments as well as ways to “fix” it through player actions. The next biggest thing revealed, I am sure not to the full want of EA, has to be that Battlefield V will also have no paid expansions or Loot Boxes. That is at least the claim for now, but I am sure we will see some way to fleece us for more cash along the way.
Battlefield V — Official Reveal Trailer
Battlefield V launches worldwide on October 19th. Pre-order now for Open Beta early access.
Enter mankind’s greatest conflict with Battlefield V as the series goes back to its roots with a never-before-seen portrayal of World War 2. Assemble your Company of customized soldiers, weapons, and vehicles — then take them on an epic journey through the Tides of War. Experience the most intense, immersive Battlefield yet. You will never be the same.
Now that you have seen the gameplay for Battlefield V, you can have a look at the full reveal for the game just below. There is a lot of filler and unneeded exposition for things that could have just been shown off, but there is a little bit of extra to look at. There were a lot of animated bits of concept art to go along with it all, but for the most part you have all of the big parts of Battlefield V here already. We would be doing you a disservice to not bring along the full reveal, so without further gilding the lily, here is it. Have a look and enjoy.
Battlefield V — Live Reveal
Join us for the Battlefield V Live Reveal on May 23rd, as The Daily Show host Trevor Noah and the DICE development team show you how the battlefield will never be the same.
What do you think about the official reveal for Battlefield V that we have here? Does it look like DICE is going to bring you the game you have been waiting for or is this still so little to see to make a final judgment? Do you think that they will stick to the non-paid expansion promise or will they find some way to get around that and still drain our bank accounts? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Battlefield V, be sure to keep checking back here as we will keep it all coming to you. I hope that they are able to bring us all just what has been promised.