A new look at Babylon’s Fall is here to give us one more look at the power we will hold within Babylon’s Fall
More footage for Babylon’s Fall is finally out there to get us all further amped up for the March 3rd release date out there. It is a bit of a wait still, sure, but we will always take a bit more to look at for the game from Platinum Games right now. Even if it is more of a quick look at things instead of a deep dive into Babylon’s Fall gameplay for the PS4, PS5, and PC. That is what we should be getting soon to keep us interested in this RPG, but we will need to take all that we can for now. At the very least, we can see how some of the powers out there will look and maybe function in this new IP we are getting.
It all looks like a fairly standard style to things when it comes to the powers we will deploy in Babylon’s Fall, but it could all lead back to having a better story instead of a fully expanded mechanic system. That is not something that could be bad, but until we get a full breakdown it is going to be hard to place any of this outside of that realm. Given all of the other RPG titles that Square Enix has out there, it could all be hidden in the finer details for when Babylon’s Fall launches. It just does not have me overly hyped and ready to get in and play this one. We will see in the coming months how that will all pan out though.
Babylon’s Fall — The Game Awards 2021
The epic world of Babylon’s Fall is coming to the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam.
Are you blown away by what we have for Babylon’s Fall here or does it feel a bit basic for the pedigree of the teams here? Do you think we will have a deeper dive into it all at the start of the year or will we just get that when the game launches? If the story is amazing and the gameplay is garbage, would you still play through it all? Tell us all of your thoughts on this down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. If we have more to share for Babylon’s Fall, we will have it here for you. All you need to do is keep checking back here for all of that and much more.