Author Archives: Hades

This Week In Video Games 12/4/23 — 12/8/23

This Week In Video Games 12/4/23 — 12/8/23

A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week Just as we all thought, this week popped off with so much in the way of new and fun things in the space of video games. E Read More…

Tekken 8 — Dragunov Gameplay

The White Angel Of Death Is Back In It For Tekken 8

One more Tekken character is back in the mix for Tekken 8 with the showing of Dragunov in the mix of everything The fighters are still flowing on out there for Tekken 8 with more of the classic characters coming back in. Although I would say that thi Read More…