New gameplay for Assassin’s Creed Origins has been released that show off the new tombs and we also have a massive Assassin’s Creed Origins collector’s edition
Here we go with another massive bit of updates for Assassin’s Creed Origins here that spans over quite a few different little areas of the game. The first we have here is a look at yet another collector’s edition for the game. You’d be a bit daft to think that Ubisoft wasn’t going to have multiple different versions of Assassin’s Creed Origins to purchase and pre-order and here we go with one that is fitting for the Gods on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. At least as long as the game holds up all the way to October 27th and you have the extra cash to throw around to pick it all up.
You can see the breakdown of each of these editions of Assassin’s Creed Origins below, but the one we are going to focus on is the larger of them all called the Gods Collector’s Edition. This one will set you back $120 USD but will comes with all of the digital goodies that have already been announced, it also includes a Season Pass code, but also a lot of physical items for those who don’t have enough Assassin’s Creed stuff already. The big item here of course being the 10.2-inch tall statue of Bayek from the game, which looks pretty damn cool when all is said and done. Twice the cost of a normal game cool, maybe, but there it is for those who want it all.
Gods Collector’s Edition ($119.99)
The Collector’s Edition contains all the essentials to discover the mysteries of Ancient Egypt.
Includes a copy of the Deluxe Edition and bonus digital content. Customers will also receive:
- 10.2″ Bayek figurine standing on the Sekhmet Statue, the lioness goddess
- Map
- Official Game Soundtrack
- Art book featuring artwork from Ubisoft Montreal artists
- Packaged in a premium Egyptian Gods themed collectible box
Gold Edition ($99.99)
- Assassin’s Creed Origins Game
- Everything from the Deluxe Edition
- Season Pass
Deluxe Edition ($69.99)
- Assassin’s Creed Origins Game
- Pre-order mission: The Secrets of the First Pyramid
- Naval mission: Ambush at Sea
- Desert cobra add on pack including desert cobra outfit, horse companion and Fang sickle sword
If you were looking through all of the little extras here for Assassin’s Creed Origins in the different editions and pre-order bonuses then you most likely caught a bit of the fact that Tombs are coming back with this game as well. It makes sense given the Ancient Egyptian setting and such, but it is completely confirmed that they will be back and using the same real-world design that made then so much fun back in the days of Assassin’s Creed II. They will be as accurate as possible with Ubisoft adding in some extra flair to give us more reasons to search them all. As to what we will find in them, that is still not being full discussed yet, but it does look like there will be some great treasures mixed in.
In fact, we have some new gameplay for Assassin’s Creed Origins here to look at that shows off what going into a tomb could play like as well as what the end rewards could be. That and a lot of other gameplay to show off some of the stealth, combat, and side-missions in the game. The tombs kind of gets glossed over in the editing process, but nonetheless we have some new footage and details to look at on top of all of that. Not a horrible haul for news and updates for Assassin’s Creed Origins here now is it? I’ll let you have at it and then further figure out which version of the game you are ultimately going to buy here.
Assassin’s Creed Origins — 18 Minutes Of New Mission Gameplay
We go hands-on with a brand new Assassin’s Creed Origins side quest and speak with Game Director Ash Ismail about all the changes coming to the series.
What do you think of the new tombs we are going to get here in Assassin’s Creed Origins? How much of a deviation do you think there is going to be besides needing gameplay and aesthetics to be altered to fit? Which edition of the game looks more appealing to you here or will you be going the basic path given how the franchise has been declining before this new title? Let us all know down in the comments and then discuss. As we get more for Assassin’s Creed Origins, we will pass it along to you here on the site. Keep your eyes glued to the site to make sure you are also as up to date as we all are as we get closer to October.