Recently Assassin’s Creed Origins was officially announced and it had an Egyptian setting, and now here’s why this Assassin’s Creed is heading there
Hopefully by now the excitement for Assassin’s Creed has subsided a bit and we can get back into the swing of things. This was one of the big titles we all knew that Ubisoft was going to show off out at E3 and finally move us all out of the rumor mill and into the information mill instead. It was pretty much one of the worst kept secrets over there as not only did we all know that a new Assassin’s Creed title was coming, but with all those leaks we knew where and about when in the timeline it would all be coming to us. This also included the Egyptian setting that was confirmed during their big press event when it was also announced that we’d be jumping back into the Brotherhood on October 27th on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
Just in case you missed out on the premier gameplay footage for Assassin’s Creed Origins, have a look at it again and see what you may have missed for the announcement. It looks like things have been changing over there for the franchise a bit, but the real story here is why we are going to an Egyptian setting now. We’ll dig into that just after the video here.
Assassin’s Creed Origins — World Premiere Gameplay
Journey into Ancient Egypt, the most mysterious place in history, during a crucial period that will shape the world. Discover the secrets behind the Great Pyramids, forgotten myths, the last pharaohs, and – engraved in long-lost hieroglyphics – the origin story of the Assassin’s Brotherhood.
For the last four years, the team behind the acclaimed Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag has been focused on crafting a new beginning for the franchise. Fight in a completely new way where you transition seamlessly between unique ranged and melee weapons, and take on multiple enemies at once. Choose your Assassin skills while exploring the full country of Ancient Egypt, engaging in multiple quests and gripping stories along a journey that will change civilization.
There has of course been a lot of ideas and speculation as to why we are going to this location in Assassin’s Creed Origins and it looks like Ubisoft may have given us an answer. We could have gone with the setting being part of the larger-scale story and other religious aspects that also date back to Egypt here, or we could have gone with some of the other more mystical reasons, but as it sounds it was all about the variety of terrain and gameplay to be had in it. In the following interview it is stated that when people first think of Egypt we think of desert. This is true. Knowing more on the location itself though, I know that this is not the only case and this is what this Assassin’s Creed also aims to give us.
Yes, as it sounds Assassin’s Creed big reason for being in Egypt is that it give the developers a range of terrain to work with in the world and for us to need to navigate and use to our advantage. I won’t fault them on this too much because I know I want a variety of different gameplays in the game, but it seems odd to use that as a reason for the location selection. Hell, they could have tied it to the other protagonist of Assassin’s Creed Origins, if there is one, and have the current time counterpart be of Egyptian descent. Maybe I am just hoping for too much in my video games here; just like I was hoping that we would be seeing Desmond back in the Animus here again. Maybe we will, but there has yet to be word on that at all.
Assassin’s Creed Origins — Why Egypt Is the Right Setting for Origins
If you are like me, then you are most likely craving even more gameplay for Assassin’s Creed Origins. Since you’ve been good enough to carry along with me here this long, I have even more that is part of the demo gamers had to experience out at E3 as I am told. It is part way through the main narrative of the story and highlights all the new features a bit for Assassin’s Creed Origins so you can sit back and enjoy all of that as a bit of reward now. Have fun.
Assassin’s Creed Origins — Gameplay Trailer
How do you feel about Assassin’s Creed being set in Egypt? Were you hoping that the whole Creed had a different founding than Egyptian or is this just about what you were expecting to have from it all? Do you think that there will still be a current time correspondent to be played or interacted with in this Assassin’s Creed title here? Let us all know down in the comments. Of course, there will be more for Assassin’s Creed Origins as we head off to the October 27th release date. Also, of course, we will have more of it all here for you as it is released by Ubisoft. Keep checking in for all of those updates as we press on.