The Season Pass content for Assassin’s Creed Origins, as well as the post-launch content for Assassin’s Creed Origins, has been announced & shown
Assassin’s Creed Origins still has a bit to go before it launches on October 27th but that does not mean it is not too early to think about all of that DLC and Season Pass content that will be flowing out there after launch. Just because you have yet to play the core game does not mean that we can ignore all the expansions that Ubisoft is working on to keep us glued to the game and out PS4, Xbox One, or PC for a few extra hours. Or from what we are seeing here for Assassin’s Creed Origins, a lot more than a few extra hours as it does look like there is a lot coming not only to the Season Pass, but also a whole lot just coming for free if you did not want to go with the larger package for your killing fun times.
For those who have already pre-ordered Assassin’s Creed Origins and have the bundle with the Season Pass, you can look forward to two full expansions to the core game that will have you embarking on some serious missions rooted in the core world of the game. You will also get to embark on a “fantasy” style portion of Assassin’s Creed Origins as the Gods have taken over the Animus and you have to deal with all the madness that comes with that. Or did they really take it over? That sounds like a whole lot of fun to have with the two extra packs of clothes, weapons, and mounts that will also be coming in the Season Pass. I guess it is good that you shelled out for those extra credits and such as well. There is a whole lot of killing going on…
Do not fret too much though if you did not go the big package for Assassin’s Creed Origins. While not as expansive as the paid counterparts, there are also new modes for the game coming free for all that will add in daily quests, a Photo Mode, timed boss battles, and the previously announced Discovery Mode. All that and the Horde Mode for the Gladiator Arena. Mainly it sounds like all the multiplayer parts of Assassin’s Creed Origins will be coming free to you from Ubisoft while all the story and cosmetic parts will be part of the paid. Of course, you could do yourself the favor and get it all for a few buck more than the usual price of admission.
Assassin’s Creed Origins — Post Launch & Season Pass
Learn more about the Assassin’s Creed Origins Season Pass and free post launch content.
Season Pass
- The Hidden Ones (DLC 1) — This expansion takes place years after the events of Assassin’s Creed Origins in a new region occupied by a Roman force. Bayek and the new Assassins will clash with the Romans as the Brotherhood continues to grow, and players will have a new level cap. Slated for release in January 2018.
- The Curse of the Pharaohs (DLC 2) — The second expansion focuses on Egyptian mythology, pitting players against undead pharaohs and famed Egyptian monsters. Bayek will need to explore a mystical new realm and discover the root of the curse that has brought these creatures to life. This expansion will also raise the level cap again and introduce new skills for Bayek. Scheduled for a March 2018 launch.
- The Roman Centurion and Horus packs — These exclusive item packs will grant Season Pass holders a new outfit, weapons, shield, and mount when they become available in November of this year.
- 500 Helix Credits and an exclusive rare weapon, the Calamity Blade — Both available at launch.
Free Content
- The Trial of the Gods — Face off against the Egyptian gods in boss battles during special timed events, and receive valuable rewards for victory. Kicks off 15 days after launch.
- The Nomad’s Bazaar — Track down a wandering merchant who will give you daily quests to pursue and reward you with exotic mystery rewards. Available at launch.
- Photo Mode — Capture the beauty of the Egyptian landscape, indulge your inner wildlife photographer, and discover interesting photos taken by other players. Available at launch.
- Discovery Tour — This new game mode turns the world of Assassin’s Creed Origins into a combat-free living museum. Read more about this mode and the educational guided tours in our previous coverage. Available in early 2018.
- Horde Mode — Hone your skills with blade and bow against endless waves of enemies in the Gladiator Arena, see how your scores stack up, and challenge your friends asynchronously. Available in early 2018.
If all of that sweet content there has not persuaded you to give Assassin’s Creed Origins the pre-order or purchase just yet, then let me introduce you to the next big trailer for the game. I guess, more of a new trailer confirming things that we all pretty much knew already but was yet to be set down as something we would truly see in the game. It shows, what can be assumed to be part of the game’s story, where Bayek finally makes the jump over to the mantle of the titular Assassin’s Creed title from the Medjay. It looks like it will fully take shape here and we can put any doubts to rest for now.
Assassin’s Creed Origins — Birth Of The Brotherhood
Bayek, the last Medjay of Egypt, embarks on a journey to protect his people by fighting from the shadows. Watch the Assassin’s Creed Origins Birth of the Brotherhood trailer now.
One last thing we have that Ubisoft will be using to persuade you into purchasing Assassin’s Creed Origins here is a fun breakdown of what some of the Tombs are saying about Bayek and his brotherhood in the game. By fun, I do mean in all silliness as this is more or less just the way we would all think our emojis would be speaking as the Egyptians did for their hieroglyphs. Here is the latest compilation of fun for Assassin’s Creed Origins that also has a bit of gameplay mixed right in. Although to be honest, if you have not seen enough of that just yet then you need to search out more as these are all for fun and nothing to break down the actual game for you. Watch and enjoy nonetheless.
Assassin’s Creed Origins — Tales From The Tomb Compilation
Within ancient hieroglyphics lie the lost secrets of the Egyptian empire — sort of. Watch these Tales from the Tomb and get a less-than-historical look at the world of Assassin’s Creed Origins.
How do you feel about the Season Pass content that we now can see for Assassin’s Creed Origins? Do you think it is odd to see finished versions of it this soon before launch or do you think it will all pan out just as you expected and keep you playing the game for many more hours? Do you think that we will see more updates, free and paid, in the near future or will these be it until Ubisoft reveals their next title? Let everyone out there know what you are thinking and then discuss down in the comments. For more on Assassin’s Creed Origins as we get closer to the launch and beyond, be sure to stick around here. We will have it all for you and you will not want to miss out on a single thing.