Assassin’s Creed Origins Gets A Bit More Insight For Size & Modern Day Component

Assassin's Creed Origins — World Premiere Gameplay

A new interview for Assassin’s Creed Origins has popped up where questions & concerns for Assassin’s Creed Origins from E3 are being addressed

It looks like Assassin’s Creed Origins is back in the headlines again and thankfully not for any major game delay or negative news out there, you can lose any worry you had, but with news on some of the aspects of the game that have only been slightly brushed on so far. As it turns out, with no surprise, there was a lot of information for the game that Ubisoft had not disclosed with the fans during E3 and of course they all wanted to know. I’m going to err on the side of demand, but none the less the game director for Assassin’s Creed Origins opted to sit down and go over some of them with Game Informer just recently. Not everything is touched on, but here is what we do know so far.

One of the big parts of Assassin’s Creed Origins is going to be its size. Specifically the land that you get to wander around and discover in the game. As it has been stated, the land mass we get to kill people on is about twice the size of Havana from Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag. I’m going to assume that what was meant was the entire map and not just the land mass but I could be wrong and that is what they are going for. Egypt is a large desert and while it has a pretty sizable river, it is not what the area is known for. Even with all of the little oasis locations and other sections of the world that they are going to focus on as well.

“If I compare it to previous games in the past, I don’t actually know the exact numbers [for Origins], but I would say that it’s at least twice the size of Havana from Black Flag,” Ismail said. “At least.”

“Having said that, I don’t think of the size of the city is what matters,” he explained. “It’s really the content, the experience that you have inside of it. It’s how alive it is. So we filled these locations with quests, with making each city feel unique to itself, why was it important to Egypt.”

You can see the full interview below, but in terms of other new discoveries for Assassin’s Creed Origins, they are on the pretty slim side of things. We already knew that the world is going to be fairly open right out of the gate, that there would be a heavy focus on character customization, and all of that. One of the other big aspects though has to be the modern day setting for Assassin’s Creed Origins as until now it had yet to be fully confirmed. We figured it would be, but now we have word that it will be part of it all but it looks like Ubisoft is going to be keeping all of that a huge secret until October 27th. Yes, that is launch day and that is when they aim for us all to find out.

What is stated at least is that he thinks that fans of the franchise will be happy with that aspect of Assassin’s Creed Origins and the future of the franchise, so we can all start speculating now. I will guess that this means that Desmond will still be completely out of it all given the arc his whole story has taken so far, but who knows? Besides the team and such that is. Maybe we can see some kind of different aspect or slip into that timeline as well somehow. Maybe I am looking at the wrong things to make me happy here for Assassin’s Creed Origins and should just move right along as the franchise already has. We’ll see…

Assassin’s Creed Origins — Answering Lingering Questions

In this special edition of The Game Informer Show podcast, Ben Hanson talks to the game director of Assassin’s Creed Origins Ashraf Ismail and asks him burning questions from the community about the open world, E3 2017 feedback, the secrets surrounding Origins‘ modern day component, comparisons to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and much more.

Are you all that surprised by the big revelations this new interview for Assassin’s Creed Origins has brought? Doesn’t it make sense that the map size would be a bit bigger than we’ve known and kind of gave us all the best parts of the franchise we’ve wanted? What do you think will be part of the modern day aspect of the game and do you think it will stay a secret for long now that it has been brought up? Let us know down in the comments and then discuss. For more on Assassin’s Creed Origins though, keep it locked into the site here. We’ll bring you everything that we can on the game and franchise and all with our own little twist.

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