The next title in the Assassin’s Creed line has been officially announced after many “Leaks” for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey popped up online
Mark another “leaked” title for this year’s E3 on the list as we now have Assassin’s Creed Odyssey officially announced just over a week out from the main event. Try as they might, Ubisoft just cannot keep these leaks from getting out there. Almost to the point that they feel a bit planned. Of course, that is the conspiracy hat being placed firmly on and I am sure they wanted to save Assassin’s Creed Odyssey to be one of their big reveals during their main event out at E3. The cat is out of the bag and fans now know it is coming. All thanks to a small promotional item that showed up and most likely broke some kind of embargo. Seems like a good way to get blocked by the company there as opposed to all of the bad ways it could have happened.
Anyways, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is now coming and it is confirmed by the official social media accounts for the studio. You can see that all below with a nice and short video clip for the game and the promise for more at E3. To build off that though, it looks like there is a bit more credence to the other elements that popped up around the same time and could be things to look forward to in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. One of the big things being that it will be landing out there the holiday season of 2018. Seems like we are back to annualizing the franchise again instead of taking their time to make amazing versions as they did with Origins just recently.
See you at E3! pic.twitter.com/03NTPhCkCf
— Assassin’s Creed (@assassinscreed) May 31, 2018
While none of the other parts have been confirmed as of yet for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, we have a nice long list of things that also came with the rumors that were confirmed. Some of the other aspects of the game that we have heard about is that there will be two different characters to plays as. It will be a follow up to Assassin’s Creed Origins and will reference Bayek and Aya as the other titles did for Altaïr. It sounds like the social aspects of the franchise will be back as well as some of the other features that did not show up in Origins. Both on the good side and on the bad side of the coin. Thankfully, this is all rumored and there is the chance that some of it will not make it into the final game. Here is a list of all the current rumors out there.
- Takes Place in Greece during Flavian Dynasty
- 2 Playable characters, but can only play one per play through. Character’s have intersecting but different stories, different forms of Eagle Vision, different skills, etc.
- Naval has a massive return, see below
- Unity style customization with massive improvements
- Return of Social Stealth
- Return of Brotherhood System
- Return of Renovation System
- Crafting is massively upgraded
- Fight mythical beasts and legendary ship battles
- Return of smoke bombs
- Return of Weapon Wheels
- Mix between parkour and origins style tombs
- Coming Holiday 2018
- Map involves Achaea, Macedonia, Epirus, Thrace, The Aegean and Ionian Sea, and Asia. Much like how Unity had districts split in 3 sections, each Roman State is divided into several regions. The map (sorry about poor quality) shows the region of Attica (Athens) from the Roman State of Achaea.
- Target system works similarly to Ghost Recon Wildlands, meaning not all targets need to be taken out before taking out the main bad guy. Only 3/6 “states” need to be liberated. The characters will often have different targets, except the state leader, which are major points of intersection.
- Templars/Roman Clients are using an apple to oppress people for Vespasian and his “propaganda machine”
- Naval has a huge amount of customization. All upgrades to your ship are done in game only but more cosmetics are available including flags, sails, paint, crew customization, emblem customization, and “shanties”. Some options such as crew outfits, emblems, flags, sails, and shanties will be available in the store.
- On top of this a fleet system will be implemented, where the player can give commands to AI ships that can be ordered to sail with you. Some missions and optional battles will be fleet based rather than single ship on ship, and you have the option to upgrade your fleet ships for resources and money as well.
- On top of emblem customization, the player can choose from some color pallets for the robes and change torso, arms, boots, and belt. These changes are merely cosmetic.
- Players can blend with crowds, individuals, mounts, static objects. Most of these have special animations like you might have seen in Discovery Tour. Some civilian boats can also be blended with. A disguise system is also present, similar to Unity.
- Players can recruit crew mates, buy crew mates, buy other factions, or recruit brotherhood members. Most brotherhood members will appear on your ship or in your hideout. Some members are recruited through special missions while most are random encounters while liberating regions and states.
- Once regions have been liberated some shops can be renovated and landmarks purchased. This will obviously generate income, which is useful as upgrades become expensive for your fleet, brotherhood, and crew.
- Crafting returns to upgrade health, physical stealth, damage from range and melee, ammo quantities, and weapons. All upgrades take materials and some money. Weapons can be upgraded at any time by a blacksmith and can be brought up in rarity along with having different elemental stats tacked on, including sleep, bleed, health drain, poison, flames, frost, and shock. Bombs can be constructed again as well, allowing for creation of distraction bombs, stun bombs, and lethal bombs. Most consumables can be crafted as well, including throwing knives, berserk darts, sleep darts, and arrows.
- To allow quick changes in tactics, weapon wheels return.
- Replayable missions are coming back, as is an option to reset locations. As a result, NG+ is not returning, especially since players cannot carry over anything between characters.
- Modern day gameplay exists, but isn’t too much more than Origins.
- Made by Montreal team 1 (Unity team)
- Bayek/Aya have similar role in story like Altaïr did in AC2
- Will reportedly introduce some new features to the franchise, including dialogue options
Are you excited to hear that Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is going to be a true thing here? Do you think we will get another Trial of the Gods mode for this game with the Greek religion shining again? Do you think that we could also see a Discovery Mode here to take us on the same trip we had in Origins? Let us know what you are thinking about this and then feel free to discuss in the comments. We know there will be more for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey in the coming weeks. Be sure to keep coming back here to find out all of the new updates and news for the game.