A new Life Is Strange title has just been confirmed to be on the way but no details on if it is a sequel to Life Is Strange or just in the same setting
Life Is Strange was a sleeper hit for me and it makes me sad to say that I have still not played all the way through the whole game as of yet. Not from lack of want to see what DONTNOD crafted for us but, ironically, it comes down to time. I’ve made it through the first few episodes of Life Is Strange so far and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it and it is top of the backlog queue for certain. Which is why I am glad to say that it looks like the team and Square Enix have opted to go ahead and bring us another title in the franchise due to all of the success it has had on the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC. Sadly, a list of platforms I don’t think this new game will be hitting.
You may have noticed that I have refrained from stating this will be a Life Is Strange sequel as the team and those behind it have yet to even state that it will be a sequel. It could be a spin-off or a whole new title in the same “universe” that the original was set in. This is how little information there is on this new Life Is Strange title at this point. Until we get some new solid information though, this is how it is going to stay in my book. This could be a while too as this is just an announcement that they are going to make this game and nothing else; except that we know it won’t be anywhere near E3 this year. To that extent I’m guessing any of the other major gaming cons coming up soon.
I suspect this is all due to the fact that DONTNOD, while proud that Life Is Strange sold three million copies to date, is starting to get fully behind their other IP Vampyr. They are only one team after all and we should just be glad that we have what we do at this point. Even though they did start out with a bit of a rough start with Remember Me, I think they started to hit the stride with Life Is Strange and are going great places. Unless this was their one big hit that they should have ended on, but I’d like to think that isn’t the case here at all. Hopefully…
Life Is Strange — A Special Message From DONTNOD Entertainment
If you’re reading this, you’ve likely already heard or watched the news… we reached over 3 million unique paying players! It’s an incredible achievement and one we could not have reached without you, our fantastic community! You helped spread positive words about our game and have continually kept the world interested in what happens next.
We also revealed a key piece of information that many of you have been waiting some time for now – we can indeed confirm that the original Life Is Strange team at DONTNOD are working on a brand new Life Is Strange game. We can’t wait to tell you all about it when the time is right, but for now we are hard at work ensuring it is the very best game we can create. We’re really thankful for your patience thus far and ask for a bit more time. The new game will not be at E3 in June this year but we will be watching the show alongside you all and wish everyone good luck!
Are you excited to see that we are getting more for Life Is Strange or have you missed out a bit as I have so far? Do you think it will be a second season of the game or could we see something else in the game’s universe instead? Do you think that we could get further teases here sooner or later given how the team is about the game so far or will it be a bit before Square Enix want to offer up anything more? Let us know down in the comments and, as always, feel free to discuss. For more on this Life Is Strange title and the franchise in general, be sure to keep checking in here. We’ll hopefully have it all and we don’t want to let you down.