The final release date for Agony has been set down so we can all look forward to Agony on the PC and Consoles soon
A month ago, we were all updated that Agony was going to be delayed. We were not given a solid reason then, but it was what it was at the time. Then earlier this week we caught wind that the game was going to be censored by Madmind Studio to make it an M-rated game and not an AO-rated title. At least for the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game as PC owners can choose to remove said censorship. Now, and thankfully, we have an official release date for Agony to look at now as it is going to be landing across all platforms on May 29th now. Just over a month from now.
Of course, the censorship thing for Agony was more or less speculation as to the delay, but that is what makes the most sense over here. Nonetheless, I am over-joyed to see that the game is finally coming and we will all be trying to find out way out of Hell in this survival-horror title. Even with the Mature rating it looks to be a rather intense title so I am sure that all will be happy. If you need more reassurance, have a look at the trailer for Agony that also came along with this new release date announcement. It will give you a solid feel for what to expect on May 29th now.
Agony — Announcement
The critically acclaimed Survival-Horror game Agony will launch on PlayStation 4, Xbox One — the all in one entertainment system from Microsoft — as well as PC on May 29th 2018.
Are you glad to see that Agony finally has a solid release date? Do you agree that it seems like the censorship of the game was more than likely the reason for the initial delay? Do you think that this is truly the final release date for the game or could it fall through the cracks again given console certification and Madmind Studio wanting to launch on all platforms at the same time? Let everyone out there know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. As we get more on Agony, we will update you on the site here. Just be sure to keep coming back and checking in to stay up to date.