A new Halloween trailer for Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back is here to remind you of the game’s launch as well as just what Bubsy is up to for the holiday
Earlier in the year, we all caught wind that Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back was in the works and coming this year. Originally, back in September but then it was confirmed by Accolade that we would be seeing the character again on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC in October. October 31st to be exact. Given that the day is so close to us now, it is about time to get one more reminder that Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back is coming as well as have a look at some of the new gameplay that will be there to experience. Not the most Halloween of titles out there, but it is another fun platformer bringing back some of the fun from the past.
As you will see below, this Bubsy is bringing us more of the 3D platforming experience that we all fell in love with for the franchise over twenty years ago. At least if they are keeping true to the IP and just what the game brought from before. This would not be the tallest of orders, but given that current gamers will cry foul when their platforming titles are “too hard,” it could have been a challenge. I mean, they do want to stretch the game’s fun out as long as possible and making Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back and easy hop through and “press X to win” kind of game. That would be a disservice to the franchise as well as the true fans of the IP.
Anyways, have a look at the latest for Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back and get ready to drop it into your Trick Or Treating bucket so you can have something a little more lighthearted to play on this darkest of holidays. If anything, it will give you a break from all of the blood, gore, and violence of the other titles that are currently out there and still yet to come before the end of the year. We all need a break sometimes…
Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back — Special Halloween
Bubsy‘s getting ready for the big day, 10/31, and that means lots of little trick-or-treaters at Bubsy‘s house, and the epic launch of his brand new game Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back.
Did you remember that Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back was still coming and coming so soon? Was this the reminder you needed for the game or was it already on your wish list and queued up for purchase or download? Is this the kind of game you will need to break up all of the intense titles we have out there right now or will it just be a slice of nostalgia for us all? Let everyone know your thoughts and then discuss down below. For more on Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back or games like it, make sure to stick around here. We will keep all of those updates coming and you will not want to miss out.