More gameplay for the Resident Evil 2 Remake has been revealed to show off more of how Ada will mix into Resident Evil 2 this time around
If the last little bit of gameplay for the Resident Evil 2 Remake was not enough for you, and I am sure that it was not, then you will be glad to see that we have even more to take in here. Not much more, but it does go a bit further into all of the events that we saw Leon and Ada going through in the last update that Capcom gave everyone out there. Just a little bit before and then a little bit after so we can all see just how Ada will work into the events of Resident Evil 2 this time around. We could just wait until January 25th to truly see how, but we gamers like to know things well before we play them.
It does look like a few things that I thought about this version of Resident Evil 2 were correct though. The big one being that it looks like Ada will be going through more of a stealth style of gameplay with puzzles instead of the high-action we normally see in the game so far. I have a feeling that it will be worked in to work with the overall pacing of the game and to give us a few breaks along the way. I could be wrong though and we will just have forced stealth and puzzle solving with new gadgets in our Resident Evil 2 instead. I am hopeful that will not be the case though. Have a look and see what I am talking about here.
Resident Evil 2 Remake — Ada Vs Scientist
Watch Ada have a standoff with a scientist in search of the G-Virus, with a bit of Ada’s exploration gameplay afterward.
What are your thoughts on how the Ada gameplay will be in this Resident Evil 2? Do you think it will be used to break up some of the pacing of the game or will it have its high-action mixed in with its horror? Will this all play a larger role than before or will it just be something to explain other parts of the game as we saw in past attempts at this? Let us know what you are thinking in the comments and then discuss. When we have more to share for the Resident Evil 2 Remake, we will share them all here. All you have to do is keep swinging back by to see and hear all of it.