Call of Duty 4 for Mac Has a Release Date

As an avid mac fan one thing that seriously sucks is the lack of games that are made for the mac. Once I heard that COD4 was going to made for the mac, I was insanely excited, I counted down the days til May and checked as often as I could to try and find a release date. Alas, I could never find one, so I found myself searching google for the date. I came across a couple of forums that said they game was due around in June, somewhere in the middle. Well, middle of June isn’t here yet, so I decide to check amazon for shits and gigles. Low and behold a new pushed back release date.

This item will be released on August 25, 2008


So for everyone waiting on the COD4 for the mac, it looks like we’ll be waiting quite a bit longer.


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