The new Ancient Egypt mode for Assassin’s Creed Origins is finally here and with it comes a another mode for Assassin’s Creed Origins some have been waiting for
The time has finally come and as of today we all have the Ancient Egypt Tour option in Assassin’s Creed Origins. That is at least if you already own the game as it has been released as part of a free update from Ubisoft for the game to give us all a different way to experience it all. This is not new for anyone paying attention to this game, but it is new to the Assassin’s Creed franchise and brings in something that many have been asking for. A showing of all of the historical facts that were used to craft the world and story of this game. Yes, this is an edutainment bit of DLC but it is optional and free for those who just own the game. Now you can have an excuse to tell your parents that you need to play video games as this one will give you a bit of a history lesson.
The true showing of all of this will be when actual educators give this part of Assassin’s Creed Origins a try as it is available for purchase as a stand-alone on the PC through uPlay and Steam. For $19.99 USD you can get access to just this mode of the game and be able to go through the 75 different tours that have been set up in this recreated version of Ancient Egypt. The team has been very forthcoming on the fact that they did get all of the scale and historically accurate information to craft Assassin’s Creed Origins. This mode will now let them show it to everyone without the need to participate in the story and other side adventures of the game. The mechanics and world will be there, but only enough to show off the ancient world and give you a way to get around these tours.
Assassin’s Creed Origins — The Discovery Tour
Ubisoft’s Discovery Tour by Assassin’s Creed: Ancient Egypt is a new educational and entertainment tool, which lets anyone explore the entire interactive 3D recreation of Ancient Egypt in Assassin’s Creed Origins, free of conflict, time pressure or gameplay constraints. The Discovery Tour by Assassin’s Creed: Ancient Egypt releases on February 20th, 2018 on PS4, Xbox and PC, at no cost for all owners of the Assassin’s Creed Origins game, and it will also be available independently from the game on PC via the Uplay and Steam platforms for $19.99 USD.
From Alexandria to Memphis, the Nile Delta to the Sand Sea, the Giza plateau to the Faiyum Oasis, the Discovery Tour by Assassin’s Creed: Ancient Egypt lets visitors either explore the rich world of Ancient Egypt at their will or follow the 75 themed tours devised by Ubisoft’s creative teams in collaboration with History experts and Egyptologists.
Discovery Tour by Assassin’s Creed: Ancient Egypt is a unique experience at the intersection of entertainment and learning. Interactivity, specific to the world of video games, is at the heart of the experience, creating strong engagement with the content. This makes the Discovery Tour by Assassin’s Creed: Ancient Egypt a completely new type of edutainment tool.
If the edutainment aspect of Assassin’s Creed Origins is not what you are looking for with the latest update, then you are in for a treat and another way to play the game. Well, more play the game again as the slightly mentioned New Game + is also bundled in this update that released and also available for free. As one would assume, it allows you to play the entire game over again with all of your gear and abilities unlocked from the start. I am not sure if this will change some of the fights you need to lose in the story, but it is a thing now and no longer just a small posting on a Reddit AMA. So get out there and give it all a download so you can have more reasons to keep playing this game.
Have you been looking forward to the Ancient Egypt tour of Assassin’s Creed Origins or will it be something you will ignore for now? Do you think that it can be a tool that will actually be used in schools to teach the culture and history of the Ancient Egyptians or will it be a gimmick that dies off after this one? Would you have rather seen it pop up in past titles or do you think this is the right time to add it to the game and franchise? Let us have all of those thoughts and comments down below and then feel free to discuss. If there is more for Assassin’s Creed Origins, we will have it here on the site. Just be sure to keep checking in so you can see and experience it all.