A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week
That is one more week in video games in the bag and much more to look forward to. Especially with all of those new announcements set up for The Game Awards and PSX next week. Maybe it will be a slow week leading up to it all or maybe it will be solid like this one was. Maybe we will also get more reviews out there like we did for Call Of Duty: WWII as we did here. Of course, we will. As long as we do not get bombarded with too much from Biomutant, Shadow Of The Colossus, or The Walking Dead in the time between it all. There is always so much going on so hopefully we will not get too bogged down in it all.
Move forward into the next week of video games here, we should have more of those reviews added in to make sure you know what you are getting into for those holiday gaming sessions. We will also be looking to do something for both PSX and The Game Awards as they all stream live, but as we do not have boots on the ground for either we may just be left to cover all of those video games from what we can scrounge up after they all go down. We will see as will you. It is always a fun little journey for it all and we thank you for joining us on it.
As with every other week now here is our list of video games we were able to cover in the news for the week. Have fun reading through all of it and hopefully you will learn something you did not know before. Until next week, have fun with all of those video games and Happy Gaming All!
- Noctis Unsurprisingly Joins The Roster For Dissidia Final Fantasy
- Review — Call Of Duty: WWII
- Assassin’s Creed Rogue May Be Getting A Remaster Here Soon
- Let’s Relive How One Of Detroit: Become Human‘s Leads Came To Be
- Gang Beasts Has Been Given A Full Release Date
- From The Ashes Of The Old, New Possibilities Arise With Civilization VI: Rise And Fall
- Free PlayStation & Xbox Video Games Coming December 2017
- Biomutant Has A Load Of New Screenshots To Dig Through
- Past Cure Will Have Us Blending Stealth & Combat To Survive
- Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite Is Getting More Costumes With Those New Characters
- Life Is Strange: Before The Storm Is Giving A Full Farewell Here
- The Walking Dead Collection Is Getting All Graphical
- Here Are Some Of The Upgrades That Are Coming For Shadow Of The Colossus
- It Is Time To Spin Up SOMA Again In Safe Mode
- Hunt: Showdown‘s Progression System Has Been Given More Detail