New 360 videos for The Evil Within 2 will help you get further immersed in The Evil Within 2 just in time for the Halloween Weekend
By now you have most likely been playing and enjoying The Evil Within 2. If not, then I am going to assume you just have not had the time or Tango Gameworks has made a title that is not for you and you are not a fan of horror at all. That is really the only two ways to go about it at this point. If you are not sure which side of the coin you are currently resting on though, it looks like Bethesda has released a few more fun videos for The Evil Within 2 to help you figure things out. Or just to have fun with. Or to completely ignore. Or to entice you to pick the game up on the PS4, Xbox One, or PC in its current state of things.
No matter what the case may be at this point, we have a few new 360 videos for The Evil Within 2 just in time to freak out a few more people who may not be playing the game but want to feel like they are inside it all. Thankfully, each of these videos will work for the various VR and 360 viewing devices out there that support YouTube’s version of them all. Luck you as well, we have all of them just a bit lower down so you can look at all of them, they are on the shorter side of things, but still have a fun experience and maybe a little extra scare or two. Have a look and see what it is like to be inside the world of The Evil Within 2.
The Evil Within 2 — Burning Down The House
The Evil Within 2 — En Vogue
The Evil Within 2 — A Day In The Life
As Sebastian Castellanos, you’ll have to dive into hell once more in the sequel to the hit 2014 survival horror game from the mind of Shinji Mikami. Take on twisted creatures in horrifying domains and face off against your own worst nightmares as you race to save your daughter.
I am a bit confused on why Bethesda took so long to release this style of videos for The Evil Within 2 as they do just what I am sure they wanted before launch. They give us a good look and feel of what is going on in the game’s world as well as just what kind of scares we could see. It also kind of shows that Tango Gameworks should have made The Evil Within 2 VR capable as well as this would be one intense way to play the whole game. Even the little scene we have here that shows off the frozen models was enough to incite panic in a few that have seen it. They can do horror right and this would have been another great addition to it all. Sadly, all we have are these new videos.
Are you currently enjoying The Evil Within 2 or were you holding off for a better reason to give it all a try? Do these videos sell you more on giving the game a try or were they just a bit too little to grab your attention? Do you too wonder why the game did not have a full VR addition to it all or does it make sense as it was another horror franchise’s thing this year? Give us those thoughts and then discuss down in the comments. As we get anything new for The Evil Within 2, we will bring it to you here on the site. Check in often to make sure you are seeing and experience all that the game has to offer and more.