A new update for Shadow Of Mordor has released that will carry over Nemesis & Followers to Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War
If you had planned on getting to start completely new for Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War, then you were right to think that as before now it didn’t seem like there was going to be much of a bridge besides story for this title and Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor. For most gamers this is still an option, but for those who had some great nemesis and followers from the first game it looks like Monolith Productions is going to give us the option to carry over the best of each when we spin up the new game on October 10th. Yea, you will be able to start Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War off with your best follower from before at your side fighting the good fight, while needing to be on the lookout for your greatest nemesis whom may be trying to end out their story arc.
This is all being done though a new update that has been released for Shadow Of Mordor called Nemesis Forge. It will allow you to open up the game and select from the list of greatest nemesis and followers and choose one that will be saved to be carried over to Shadow Of War. For players who have played the prior game quite a bit, the update will show you the suggested ones. For players who may still be playing or just starting, it will help you out so you can continue on your epic story in Shadow Of War with as much ease. Not to mention give you a few more months to stack the deck one way or another depending on how you want to approach it all. None the less, it looks like we won’t be missing out for the new game at all now.
Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War — Shadow Of Mordor Nemesis Forge
A new update for Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor that will allow a player to bring their top Nemesis and Follower from Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor to Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War when it releases on October 10, 2017. In Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, players created countless personal stories of revenge through the unique enemies and allies generated by the Nemesis System. With the Nemesis Forge, these stories continue in Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War by importing a returning player’s arch Nemesis from Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, while also identifying a player’s most loyal Orc follower, who can help fight and defend against Sauron’s forces. The Nemesis Forge is now available for Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Steam.
In addition to all of this it looks like Shadow Of Mordor is also on a massive discount for those who still have not picked the game up. We are talking an 80% discount here. For Xbox One players, you have until July 17th to take advantage of all of this. PC gamers will have until July 10th to add it to their Steam library. PS4 players will have until July 11th to pick it up and then get ready for Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War. If you were still holding out for now it seems like it is about time to give in. Especially if you want to have a quick carry over to the new game in October and keep all of those rivalries and friendships as you move right along in everything that Monolith Productions is going to bring us.
What do you think about this new Nemesis Forge that will further expand our Shadow Of War, hopefully? Do you think that it may be stacking one side or another too much or will it give us all the fair advantage and disadvantage that I am sure they are hoping for? Do you think that these may be the first characters in the game that you’ll lose or have to kill for the story? Let us all know what you are thinking down in the comments and then get ready to discuss. For more on Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War though, be sure to keep checking back in here to keep up to date and learn about all the cool goings on. We’ll keep bringing it if you keep reading it all.