Dead Man’s Diary Is Making Its Way On Over To The Xbox

Dead Man’s Diary — Xbox Gameplay

A new version of Dead Man’s Diary is on the way with Dead Man’s Diary getting its full release on the Xbox Series X|S

After a year of fun on the PC, it looks as if Dead Man’s Diary is finally going to be making its way over to the consoles. Well, at least one of the consoles, as TML-Studios has made the announcement that the game will hit the Xbox Series X|S now. Not only that it is hitting the console but we can also see Dead Man’s Diary land on the Xbox on July 12th of this year. Not a massive turnaround for everyone to get hyped up about, but still something to take note of if you have been forced to watch others enjoying the game while waiting for your console days to hit. Just a few more of those now and you will be able to dive right in.

This does not look like it is going to be just a port for Dead Man’s Diary before you get worried. Even though that would be the easiest way to do it all, no, it looks like all of the updates and lessons learned from the PC release of the game will be going into this one so we can fully enjoy it on the Xbox now. Another shining example of how the Unreal Engine 5 will be able to make games look and feel on the various platforms out there in the world. If that is not something to get excited about, then what is? It is one of the few benefits of having the gaming development cycle in an ongoing state out there unlike we had in the past where we got what we got.

For those just now finding out about Dead Man’s Diary, this is a survival adventure title that leans more into the narrative of things than others do. This one all takes place in a world that has been destroyed and we are setting out fifteen years after all of that. Obviously to survive it all but to find out if others have survived the end of the world and maybe make a new settlement for us all to live in. That is a little bit of the basic for Dead Man’s Diary, but thankfully, more of us will be able to experience it all firsthand instead of reading and watching others play it all instead.

Dead Man’s Diary — Xbox Gameplay

Dead Man’s Diary is a narrative survival adventure game developed by TML-Studios set in a fictional post-apocalyptic world. Players are thrown 15 years after a disaster and tasked with leaving their shelter and venturing into the world with no human life. Dead Man’s Diary has been massively upgraded since its initial PC release in regards to Unreal Engine 5 with a new lighting system, more in-game help for players, and better interaction options with objects.Dead Man’s Diary is launching on Xbox Series S|X on July 12.

Is it a little odd that it took this long to get Dead Man’s Diary out there on the console or does it make sense to allow the PC version to get ironed out before going to the console? Could we ever see this game hit the PS5 out there or will this be the last stop it makes on the way? Do you want to see something different in your post-apocalypse games or does being one of the few survivors setting up something new still hit well for you? Head down into the comment section and then feel free to discuss all of those thoughts with us. We will keep the news for Dead Man’s Diary flowing as we get more. Just be sure to keep checking back in for those updates and many more.

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