New footage of Just Cause 4 is here to take us through the fictional world of Just Cause 4 and give a better understanding of how we will use and abuse it
It feels odd to say that it looks like things in Just Cause 4 are going to be getting crazier as that is more or less what the game and franchise is all about. That said, it looks like things are going to get crazier as we have a good look at just how the world and environments that Avalanche Studios have constructed will play into all of that. I am not only talking about the crazy weather, but also just the landscapes in Just Cause 4. Even if we are only looking at about four truly distinct different ones. Although there could be a bit more in some way, but we will need to wait until December 4th to truly see how it all works.
You can have a good look at how it all looks in Just Cause 4, but more or less there will be the distinct four environments that will play strengths to other gameplay mechanics in the game. The high and cold mountains will aid in the wingsuit. The openness of the deserts will make it easier to use those aircraft and drive at high speeds in the lands. All of which held some extra fun for those insane weather patterns we have already seen for Just Cause 4 with tornados. We will also have some crazy sandstorms too and I am going to guess something with the frozen landscapes too. It makes all kinds of sense and I cannot wait to get into all of that fun.
Just Cause 4 — World And Biomes
Welcome to our brand-new video series called Spotlight, where we take a deep dive into the details of a new aspect in Just Cause 4. For our first ever episode, we’re wingsuiting into the world of Solís and the Biomes that compose its foundation.
From humid Rainforests, to snowy Alpine mountains. Dusty deserts to rolling hills in the Grasslands. Variety is everywhere you look in Solis — so let’s hope in and explore!
Also, did somebody say Llama?
Are you still excited for Just Cause 4 based on all of this or do you still need more to get that motor going? Do you think we will see some other crazy weather patterns in the game or will this be about it and enough to deal with? Do you think that the deserts should be more of their own environments or does it make sense to see how it is placed here? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Just Cause 4, keep coming back here. We will keep dropping all of the information on you like a hurricane. At least we will try to…