The Plane Effect Is Announced To Have Us Try To Get Home From Work

The Plane Effect — Announcement

A new puzzle adventure, The Plane Effect, is announced with The Plane Effect aiming for all of the next-gen systems when it comes

We all knew it was going to start to come out here, but it looks like we have an announcement for the next depressing-looking title out there with The Plane Effect. This would be the next title that Studio Kiku and PQube will be placing out there for us on the PS5, Xbox Series X, Switch, and PC this year. This is being listed as a time-bending and puzzle-adventure tile that we can look to enjoy with an interesting art style to drive it all forward. All with the weird story of a character just trying to make their way home from work after their last day. Thankfully, it does look like there is much more to The Plane Effect than just the basics of that too.

In a bit more of the detail, the main character of The Plane Effect is called Solo, and Solo has some form of amnesia and is trying to make heads and tails of the world after leaving for the day. It sounds like this could all be the character coming to terms with their reality or there is something much more sinister going on out there too. It is hard to say but it does look like there will be some fun things to experience in The Plane Effect while trying to figure it all out. Have a look at the announcement for the game below and then add it to the hope of all the other bleak titles coming out there this year.

The Plane Effect — Announcement

It is your last day, it is time to clock out and head home. But where is home? And what is home? Are you alone, Solo?

The Plane Effect puts you in the shoes of Solo, a lonely office worker on his final day at the office and it is time to return to your beautiful family. You do have a family, don’t you? You think you do. You remember having a wife and child… you’re sure of it.

Toying with your grip of reality and distorting the balance of time and space, Solo battles adversity as he traverses the abstruse and deeply aesthetic world of The Plane Effect. Along the dangerous path that Solo walks, you’ll be challenged with untangling impossible series’ of events, getting to grips with the intangible, and using logic to overcome the increasingly illogical dystopia around you.

What are your feelings about The Plane Effect based on just the video we have here? Do you think there is something else going on with the memory loss or will this just be a character study of a character going through some serious mental health issues? How do you think we will go through the explanations of character death and world destruction out there? Let us all know down in the comments what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more for us to share for The Plane Effect, we will add it to the site for you all. Please be sure to keep your eyes here for that and everything else in the gaming world.

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