The Last Of Us Part II Has A Lot More Gameplay To Look At

The Last Of Us Part II — E3 2018 Gameplay

The first bit of gameplay for The Last Of Us Part II is here out of E3 and it shows just how the world of The Last Of Us has changed

Just as it was promised, we have a lot of new gameplay for The Last Of Us Part II. Like a whole lot of new gameplay out of E3 here. We are talking upwards or twelve minutes of new gameplay that Naughty Dog has put together to show off just how the game looks and acts. Enough to get us all riled up again for The Last Of Us Part II and ignore the fact that we still have no release date or window defined for the game. We will all live for now as there are many other games to hold us over on the PS4 and that we will not be adding to the list of February games we already have had. So many of those games now…

Anyways, this new gameplay for The Last Of Us Part II shows us how Ellie has grown and evolved in the world here. It also dives deeper into the story that was set with the DLC from the last game, somewhat, and if you have not played that then a few things may be a bit shocking. We also get to see how lush and full the team was able to make the game after all of the leaps they made with the original The Last Of Us. That is to be expected as the team has always been making leaps and bounds in that department and I figured they would not let us all down. But graphics do not always make the video game here.

I will say that it looks like the team has taken an even more cinematic style with The Last Of Us Part II here with the gameplay. Unless this was all sizzle for us to be excited over, but I am sure that is not the case. It is really cool and interesting to see how things flow in the combat that has enemies flying through objects or throwing Ellie around in ways that feel like they could only be done in pre-rendered sequences. Not to mention that it looks like the improvised weapons and crafting flow further into the game than we had in The Last Of Us before. You will see the scene where she runs, grabs a bottle, and hits an enemy all in one smooth motion. Have a look for yourself just below to see what I am talking about.

The Last Of Us Part II — E3 2018 Gameplay

Watch the gameplay reveal trailer for The Last Of Us Part II from E3 2018.

Was this the gameplay you have been waiting for with The Last Of Us Part II? Did you think it was going to be just another quick look and not a whole lot of what we actually received? Are you just as shocked at how free-flowing the combat and animation looks here or is it what we should have expected out of Naughty Dog by this point? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. Hopefully we will have more for The Last Of Us Part II in short order and when we do, we will have it here on the site. Just be sure to keep checking back in to see and hear it all.

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