Screw The Console Wars…

We Got Wars For Music Simulation Games

So I thought I would do another fun edition of “Rock Band Wrap Up”™. Seeing as there are plenty of things to bring up today. One of them kind of major. So with no further gilding the lilly.

Rock Band II

Yes, it has been officially announced. No shocker there. Well outside of the fact that it is due out in September, for the XBox. Most likely October or November for the other platforms. I had no clue that it was that close to final production. But then again, it doesn’t seem like it would be all that difficult to add onto the current version of Rock Band. I guess better news for those who haven’t gotten the game yet because they were waiting for the Wii version. If you are patient, you can get Rock Band II for the Wii later this year. Maybe Christmas, if you’ve been good.

But what about us who have had Rock Band since launch, it doesn’t look like we are getting all that screwed here. All the stuff you have purchased, will work for the new iteration. Win! All the controllers you have will work for the new version. Win! Pretty much, there will be new songs to play. All of which are sporting no more “Made Famous By” on the title. Win! There will also be more online modes and game play features that should pwn the original version. Win! Also, as an option, there will be new controllers in the instance you want to upgrade those and have the disposable income to afford that. Win!

Personally, I think they revved up the production of this game to meet the New Guitar Hero coming out soon. So I’m hoping that Harmonix will have the new GH4 controllers already worked into the RB code. Then I will have reason to by the full version of GH4 and just the new disc for RBII. Unless Activision wants to give fans yet another reason to not be a fan of theirs. Time will only tell.

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Rock Band DLC

It’s been a while since I covered one of these, so I figured I would throw it in, and most likely start updating as the come in. Although, I am going to start just doing all the DLC for RB and GH. No need to pick a favorite.

So this week is the Mötley Crüe week. Or so their website claims. But here are the tracks that will be available for your 4th of July parties. If you live in America and such. If not, you get them any ways. So enjoy them for your own little slice of Heaven that is your country. No need to pick a favorite here either.

Crüefest Pack:
$2.99 (240 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360) for the entire collection of tracks or 99¢ (80 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360) per track
“Promised Land” – Free!

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Who’s on Rock Band?

I know there have been a lot of people asking for this, and it has been slated for the 15th of July. A greatest Hits album will be available for download from The Who. All masters from the looks of it, which is nice. Still no God of War soundtrack on there, but it’s another grip of songs to add to my huge list of songs to play. So this deserved an honorable mention. Thanks Kotaku by the way.

“Their music really comes alive when you’re playing it,” said Rigopulos. “We were trying to release ‘Who’s Next’ in its entirety, but we were unable to locate all the masters. So in the face of that, Pete (Townshend) and Roger (Daltrey) helped curate this best-of soundtrack of everything we were able to find.”

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