Rockin’ Priest

Judas Priest Rock Band DLC

Ok, so maybe it’s just me, but I am stoked about this for two reasons. First, it’s Judas Priest on Rock Band. How awesome will this be? Anyone? Or is it really just me? I know it isn’t one of the harder core or more mainstream that people may be wanting, but it is something awesome.

The second. This will be their first foray into releasing full albums on the game. Something they want to keep rolling out constantly. It looks like maybe one a month, but that isn’t what they want to get pegged with. It’s just the tentative release structure for now. So yea, there will be many many new songs for the game. I really have no clue how many will be too much, but I am all about getting more bang out of my expensive game. Keep it up Hamonix.

We’re proud to unleash our first full album upon the masses- Judas Priest’s 1982 classic Screaming For Vengeance! All tracks will be available separately for $1.99 (160 Microsoft Points), or as a whole album for $14.99 (1200 Microsoft Points).

Check It Out

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